

This task combines mesh and map data into a GLTF web asset. The asset can be written in JSON or binary format, with optionally embedded maps and DRACO-compressed mesh data.


Option Type Required Default Description
outputFile string yes File name of the resulting web asset.
meshFile string yes File name of the input mesh to be added to the web asset.
diffuseMapFile string no File name of the diffuse map to be added to the web asset.
occlusionMapFile string no File name of the occlusion map to be added to the web asset.
emissiveMapFile string no File name of the emissive map to be added to the web asset.
metallicRoughnessMapFile string no File name of the metallic-roughness map to be added to the web asset.
normalMapFile string no File name of the normal map to be added to the web asset.
zoneMapFile string no File name of the zone map to be added to the web asset.
metallicFactor number no 0.0 The metalness factor for the PBR material.
roughnessFactor number no 0.6 The roughness factor for the PBR material.
alignCenter boolean no false Centers object if true, i.e. aligns object with origin.
alignFloor boolean no false Centers object and aligns it with y-origin if true.
objectSpaceNormals boolean no false True to use object space normals, false for tangent space normals.
useCompression boolean no false True if geometry should be compressed using the DRACO mesh compressor.
compressionLevel integer no 10 Compression level for DRACO mesh compression, range 0 - 10.
embedMaps boolean no false True if map data should be embedded in the asset file, false if maps are embedded by reference only.
writeBinary boolean no false True if the asset should be written in binary format (.glb), false for a text .gltf file.
alphaBlend boolean no false True if the asset should interpret alpha channel data as opacity.
tool string no “Blender” Tool to use for generating web assets (“MeshSmith” or “Blender”).