This task combines mesh and map data into a GLTF web asset. The asset can be written in JSON or binary format, with optionally embedded maps and DRACO-compressed mesh data.
Option | Type | Required | Default | Description |
outputFile | string | yes | File name of the resulting web asset. | |
meshFile | string | yes | File name of the input mesh to be added to the web asset. | |
diffuseMapFile | string | no | File name of the diffuse map to be added to the web asset. | |
occlusionMapFile | string | no | File name of the occlusion map to be added to the web asset. | |
emissiveMapFile | string | no | File name of the emissive map to be added to the web asset. | |
metallicRoughnessMapFile | string | no | File name of the metallic-roughness map to be added to the web asset. | |
normalMapFile | string | no | File name of the normal map to be added to the web asset. | |
zoneMapFile | string | no | File name of the zone map to be added to the web asset. | |
metallicFactor | number | no | 0.0 | The metalness factor for the PBR material. |
roughnessFactor | number | no | 0.6 | The roughness factor for the PBR material. |
alignCenter | boolean | no | false | Centers object if true, i.e. aligns object with origin. |
alignFloor | boolean | no | false | Centers object and aligns it with y-origin if true. |
objectSpaceNormals | boolean | no | false | True to use object space normals, false for tangent space normals. |
useCompression | boolean | no | false | True if geometry should be compressed using the DRACO mesh compressor. |
compressionLevel | integer | no | 10 | Compression level for DRACO mesh compression, range 0 - 10. |
embedMaps | boolean | no | false | True if map data should be embedded in the asset file, false if maps are embedded by reference only. |
writeBinary | boolean | no | false | True if the asset should be written in binary format (.glb), false for a text .gltf file. |
alphaBlend | boolean | no | false | True if the asset should interpret alpha channel data as opacity. |
tool | string | no | “Blender” | Tool to use for generating web assets (“MeshSmith” or “Blender”). |