

Texture baking is the last step when preparing models for real-time applications. During decimation, the mesh has been reduced in size. Texture baking transfers features from the high resolution mesh to a texture. The texture is then applied to the low resolution mesh in order to bring back the lost details.

Baking requires a low poly mesh with UV coordinates. The coordinates can be generated using the UnwrapMeshTask.

This task utilizes the following tools:


Option Type Required Default Description
highPolyMeshFile string yes High resolution mesh file name.
highPolyDiffuseMapFile string no Diffuse texture for high resolution mesh.
lowPolyUnwrappedMeshFile string yes Low resolution (decimated) mesh file name.
mapBaseName string no Base name for baked texture map files.
mapSize number yes 2048 Baked map size in pixels.
maxRayDistance number no 0.001 Maximum search distance when projecting rays from the high poly to the low poly mesh.
bakeDiffuse boolean no true Bakes a diffuse map if true and highPolyDiffuseMapFile is not empty.
bakeOcclusion boolean no true Bakes an ambient occlusion map if true.
bakeNormals boolean no true Bakes a normal map if true.
bakeTest boolean no false Bakes a test map for checking the projection quality if true.
occlusionRays number no 128 Number of sample rays for ambient occlusion, between 1 and 512.
occlusionConeAngle number no 165 Maximum cone angle for ambient occlusion sample rays, between 1 and 165
occlusionAttConstant number no 1 Ambient occlusion attenuation, constant factor.
occlusionAttLinear number no 0 Ambient occlusion attenuation, linear factor.
occlusionAttQuadratic number no 0 Ambient occlusion attenuation, quadratic factor.
tangentSpaceNormals boolean no false Bakes normals in tangent space if true.
timeout number no 0 Maximum task execution time in seconds (default: 0, uses timeout defined in tool setup).
tool string no “XNormal” Baking tool to use: “XNormal” or “RapidCompact”