

Generates a mesh and texture from zipped image sets using photogrammetry techniques. It includes options for masking image sets and alignment-only images.

Tools: Metashape, With limited support by: RealityCapture, Meshroom


Option Type Required Default Description
inputImageFolder string yes Input image folder zip file.
alignImageFolder string yes Metashape only: Alignment image folder.
maskImageFolder string no Metashape only: Mask image folder.
outputFile string no Base name used for output files.
camerasFile string no Metashape only: Name used for saved camera position file.
scalebarFile string no CSV file with scalebar markers and distances. (Example scalebar file)
optimizeMarkers boolean no false Metashape only: Flag to enable discarding high-error markers.
alignmentLimit number no 50 Metashape only: Percent success required to pass alignment stage.
tiepointLimit integer no 25000 Metashape only: Max number of tiepoints.
keypointLimit integer no 75000 Metashape only: Max number of keypoints.
turntableGroups boolean no false Metashape only: Flag to process images as SI-formatted turntable groups.
depthMaxNeighbors integer no 16 Metashape only: Max neighbors value to use for depth map generation.
genericPreselection boolean no true Metashape only: Flag = true to use generic preselection.
meshQuality string no “High” Metashape only: Preset for mesh quality (“Low”, “Medium”, “High”, “Highest”, “Custom”).
customFaceCount integer no 3000000 Metashape only: If meshQuality is custom, this defines the goal face count.
depthMapQuality string no “Highest” Metashape only: Preset for depth map quality (“Low”, “Medium”, “High”, “Highest”).
maskMode string no “File” Metashape only: Desired masking operation. “File” assumes provided image is the mask, “Background” uses the background of the image as a basis for ‘smart’ masking.
timeout number no 0 Maximum task execution time in seconds (default: 0, uses timeout defined in tool setup).
tool string no “Metashape” Tool to use for decimation: “Metashape”, “RealityCapture”, or “Meshroom”.