Getting Started



Hardware requirements depend on the tools you plan to run via cook service. Some of the tools may need a lot of RAM while others rely on a strong CPU or use GPU (graphics card) based processing.

We have tested the cook service and our standard tool suite on the following configuration:

  • Intel Xeon or Core i7 processor
  • 32 GB RAM
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080


Operating System

Cook has been tested with the following versions of Microsoft Windows. We currently don’t support any other operating systems, because some of the 3rd party processing tools are only available for Windows.

  • Windows 10 Professional
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
Running Cook in a VM

It is currently not advised to run Cook in a virtual machine. Some 3rd party tools have specific hardware requirements, e.g. some need direct access to the GPU. Also, performance may suffer.


Before installing Cook Server, you need to install the following applications:

Depending on your needs, you also need to install the tools you want to use for processing. These tools are currently supported:

Support for the following tools is planned, but hasn’t been completed yet.

Installing Cook Server

Cloning the Github project

  1. Navigate to a folder of your choice
  2. Open a terminal window (shift-right click and select “open command window here”)
  3. Enter git clone --recurse-submodules
  4. Navigate into the new folder; enter cd dpo-cook
  5. Enter npm install
  6. Enter npm run build


In the server subfolder, you find templates for the 3 required server configuration files. Copy and rename the template, then edit it to your needs. For example:

copy tools.template.json tools.json
notepad.exe tools.json

Do this for each of the 3 template files. You should end up with 3 configuration files, server.json, tools.json, and clients.json


Server configuration (directories, port, etc.)


Information about processing tools: path to the executable, version, timeout in seconds and the maximum number of instances this tool can run simultaneously.

Please have a look at the tool documentation pages to see a configuration example for each tool.


IDs and names for the clients you want to grant access to the server.

In the client subfolder, you find templates for the 1 required clientr configuration files. Copy and rename the template, then edit it to your needs. For example:

copy .env.template .env
notepad.exe .env

You should end up with 1 environment file, .env


Environment configuration. ‘production’ or ‘development’

Running Cook Server

Starting Cook as a service using PM2

  • To start the service, enter npm run start
  • To stop the service, enter npm run stop

Running Cook as a foreground application

Enter npm run server

Starting Cook in development mode (rebuilds on file changes)

Enter npm run watch