

Unwraps a mesh’s surface onto a plane and generates a set of texture coordinates for map baking.


Option Type Required Default Description
inputMeshFile string yes Input mesh file name.
outputMeshFile string yes Output mesh file name.
saveObj boolean no false Unfold only: saves the mesh as (additional) OBJ file.
saveFbx boolean no false Unfold only: saves the mesh as (additional) FBX file.
saveCollada boolean no false Unfold only: saves the mesh as (additional) Collada file.
decimate boolean no false Mops only: indicates whether the mesh should be decimated before unwrapping.
numFaces number no Mops only: if decimation is enabled, the target number of faces.
mapSize number no 2048 The size of the texture maps that will be baked (needed to calculate the gap between patches).
segmentationStrength number no 0.5 A number between 0 and 1 specifying how aggressively the mesh surface is segmented. Default is 0.5.
packEffort number no 0.5 A number between 0 and 1 specifying how tightly the patches should be packed. Default is 0.5.
cutHandles boolean no true Unfold only: decides whether handles can be cut during segmentation.
unwrapMethod string no “forwardBijective” Mops only: the algorithm to be used for unwrapping: “conformal”, “fastConformal”, “isometric”, “forwardBijective”, “fixedBoundary”.
debug boolean no false Unwrapping tool is run in debug mode. For Unfold: tool doesn’t close after it’s done.
timeout number no 0 Maximum task execution time in seconds.
tool string no “Unfold” Tool to be used for unwrapping, options are “Unfold”, “Mops”, “Unknit”. Default is “Unfold”.