Derivatives Task

Use the Derivatives Task to inspect the various web derivatives your model consists of. Depending on your processing pipeline, each model in a scene consists of multiple levels of detail.

  1. Select the Derivatives Task in the task bar.
  2. Select the model you want to inspect. A list of available derivatives appears in the task panel.
  3. Select the derivative level you would like to inspect.

Derivatives Task

Level Description
Thumb The lowest available representation. Always loaded first, with the goal of displaying a first representation of the model as quickly as possible. We recommend using a compressed GLB file with a total size of less than 200k.
Low Used on older mobile devices. Maximum texture size: 1024 x 1024 pixels. Recommended mesh size: ~150k faces.
Medium Used on newer mobile devices. Maximum texture size: 2048 x 2048 pixels. Recommended mesh size: ~150k faces.
High Used on desktop devices. Maximum texture size: 4096 x 4096 pixels. Recommended mesh size: ~150k faces.
Highest Used for quality inspection. Texture size: 4k or 8k. Mesh size: ~500k faces.