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SuperNOVAS v1.3
The NOVAS C library, made better
#include <novas.h>
Data Fields | |
enum novas_accuracy | accuracy |
double | beta |
Observer relativistic β rel SSB. | |
double | deps0 |
[rad] Modeled Earth orientation ε (not including polar wobble) | |
double | dpsi0 |
[rad] Modeled Earth orientation ψ (not including polar wobble) | |
double | dx |
[mas] Polar wobble parameter dx. | |
double | dy |
[mas] Polar wobble parameter dy. | |
double | earth_pos [3] |
[AU] Earth's geometric position, rel SSB. (ICRS) | |
double | earth_vel [3] |
[AU/day] Earth's velocity, rel SSB. (ICRS) | |
double | ee |
[rad] Equation of the equinoxes | |
double | era |
[deg] Earth Rotation Angle (ERA); | |
double | gamma |
Observer Lorentz factor Γ rel SSB. | |
novas_matrix | gcrs_to_cirs |
GCRS to CIRS conversion matrix. | |
double | gst |
[h] Greenwich (Apparent) Sidereal Time (GST / GAST) | |
novas_matrix | icrs_to_j2000 |
ICRS to J2000 matrix. | |
double | mobl |
[rad] Mean obliquity | |
novas_matrix | nutation |
nutation matrix (Lieske 1977 method) | |
double | obs_pos [3] |
[AU] Observer position rel. to barycenter (ICRS) | |
double | obs_vel [3] |
[AU/day] Observer movement rel. to barycenter (ICRS) | |
observer | observer |
The observer location, or NULL for barycentric. | |
novas_planet_bundle | planets |
Planet positions and velocities (ICRS) | |
novas_matrix | precession |
precession matrix | |
uint64_t | state |
An internal state for checking validity. | |
double | sun_pos [3] |
[AU] Sun's geometric position, rel SSB. (ICRS) | |
double | sun_vel [3] |
[AU/day] Sun's velocity, rel SSB. (ICRS) | |
novas_timespec | time |
The instant of time for which this observing frame is valid. | |
double | tobl |
[rad] True obliquity | |
double | v_obs |
[AU/day] Magnitude of observer motion rel. to barycenter | |
A set of parameters that uniquely define the place and time of observation. The user may initialize the frame with novas_make_frame(). Once the observer frame is set up, it can be used repeatedly to perform efficient calculations of multiple objects in the coordinate system of choice, much faster than what place() can do. Frames also allow for transforming coordinates calculated for one coordinate syste, into another coordinate system with little effort.
You should never set or change fields in this structure manually. Instead the structure should always be initialized by an appropriate call to novas_make_frame(). After that you may change the observer location, if need be, with novas_change_observer().
The structure may expand with additional field in the future. Thus neither its size nor its particular layout should be assumed fixed over SuperNOVAS releases.