SuperNOVAS v1.3
The NOVAS C library, made better
No Matches
novas_timespec Struct Reference

#include <novas.h>

Data Fields

double dut1
 [s] UT1 - UTC time difference
double fjd_tt
 [day] Terrestrial time (TT) based fractional Julian day.
long ijd_tt
 [day] Integer part of the Terrestrial Time (TT) based Julian Date
double tt2tdb
 [s] TDB - TT time difference
double ut1_to_tt
 [s] UT1 - TT time difference

Detailed Description

A structure, which defines a precise instant of time that can be extpressed in any of the astronomical timescales. Precisions to picosecond accuracy are supported, which ought to be plenty accurate for any real astronomical application.

See also
enum novas_timescale

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: