smax-clib v1.0
A C/C++ client library for SMA-X
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smax-meta.c File Reference

A set of utility functions for manipulating optional static metadata. More...


XCoordinateSystemsmaxCreateCoordinateSystem (int nAxis)
void smaxDestroyCoordinateSystem (XCoordinateSystem *coords)
XCoordinateAxissmaxGetCoordinateAxis (const char *id, int n)
XCoordinateSystemsmaxGetCoordinateSystem (const char *table, const char *key)
char * smaxGetDescription (const char *table, const char *key)
char * smaxGetUnits (const char *table, const char *key)
char * smaxPullMeta (const char *meta, const char *table, const char *key, int *status)
double smaxPullTime (const char *table, const char *key)
XType smaxPullTypeDimension (const char *table, const char *key, int *ndim, int *sizes)
int smaxPushMeta (const char *meta, const char *table, const char *key, const char *value)
int smaxSetCoordinateAxis (const char *id, int n, const XCoordinateAxis *axis)
int smaxSetCoordinateSystem (const char *table, const char *key, const XCoordinateSystem *coords)
int smaxSetDescription (const char *table, const char *key, const char *description)
int smaxSetUnits (const char *table, const char *key, const char *unit)

Detailed Description

A set of utility functions for manipulating optional static metadata.

Mar 24, 2020
Attila Kovacs

Function Documentation

◆ smaxCreateCoordinateSystem()

XCoordinateSystem * smaxCreateCoordinateSystem ( int  nAxis)

Creates a coordinate system with the desired dimension, and standard Cartesian coordinates with no labels, or units specified (NULL).

nAxisDimension of the coordiante system, i.e. number of axes.
Pointer to the new coordinate system structure, or NULL if the coordiate system could not be created as specified.
See also

References XCoordinateSystem::axis, XCoordinateSystem::nAxis, XCoordinateAxis::step, x_error(), and X_MAX_DIMS.

◆ smaxDestroyCoordinateSystem()

void smaxDestroyCoordinateSystem ( XCoordinateSystem coords)

Deallocates a coordinate system structure.

coordsPointer to the coordinate system to discard.
See also

References XCoordinateSystem::axis.

◆ smaxGetCoordinateAxis()

XCoordinateAxis * smaxGetCoordinateAxis ( const char *  id,
int  n 

Returns the n'th coordinate axis for a given SMA-X coordinate system table id.

idFully qualified SMA-X coordinate system ID.
nThe (0-based) index of the coordinate axis
Pointer to a newly allocated XCoordinateAxis structure or NULL if the axis is undefined, or could not be retrieved from the database.
See also

References RedisEntry::key, XCoordinateAxis::name, redisxGetTable(), XCoordinateAxis::refIndex, XCoordinateAxis::refValue, smaxError(), smaxGetRedis(), XCoordinateAxis::step, XCoordinateAxis::unit, RedisEntry::value, x_error(), X_NO_INIT, x_trace_null(), and xGetAggregateID().

◆ smaxGetCoordinateSystem()

XCoordinateSystem * smaxGetCoordinateSystem ( const char *  table,
const char *  key 

Returns the coordinate system, if any, associated to a given SMA-X variable.

tableHash table name.
keyVariable / field name in table.
A newly allocated coordinate system structure, or NULL.
See also

References XCoordinateSystem::axis, META_COORDS, XCoordinateSystem::nAxis, smaxGetCoordinateAxis(), X_MAX_DIMS, x_trace_null(), and xGetAggregateID().

◆ smaxGetDescription()

char * smaxGetDescription ( const char *  table,
const char *  key 

Returns a concise description of a variable.

tableHash table name.
keyVariable / field name in table.
Variable description or NULL or empty string if the variable has no description assiciated with it.
See also

References META_DESCRIPTION, smaxPullMeta(), X_SUCCESS, and x_trace_null().

◆ smaxGetUnits()

char * smaxGetUnits ( const char *  table,
const char *  key 

Returns the physical unit name, if any, for the given variable.

tableHash table name.
keyVariable / field name in table.
Unit name (e.g. "W / Hz"), or NULL or empty string if the variable has no designated physical unit.
See also

References META_UNIT, smaxPullMeta(), X_SUCCESS, and x_trace_null().

◆ smaxPullMeta()

char * smaxPullMeta ( const char *  meta,
const char *  table,
const char *  key,
int *  status 

Retrieves a metadata string value for a given variable from the database

metaRoot meta table name, usually something like "<metaname>".
tableHash table name.
keyVariable / field name in table.
statusPointer to int in which to return a X_SUCCESS or an error code.
The string metadata value or NULL.
See also

References redisxGetStringValue(), smaxError(), smaxGetRedis(), x_error(), X_GROUP_INVALID, X_NO_INIT, x_trace_null(), and xGetAggregateID().

◆ smaxPullTime()

double smaxPullTime ( const char *  table,
const char *  key 

Retrieves the timestamp for a given variable from the database.

[in]tableHash table name (or NULL if key is an aggregate ID).
[in]keyVariable / field name in table.
(s) UNIX timestamp, as fractional seconds since 1 Jan 1970, or NAN if there was an error.
See also

References NAN, SMAX_TIMESTAMPS, smaxPullMeta(), x_error(), X_SUCCESS, and x_trace_null().

◆ smaxPullTypeDimension()

XType smaxPullTypeDimension ( const char *  table,
const char *  key,
int *  ndim,
int *  sizes 

Retrieves the timestamp for a given variable from the database.

[in]tableHash table name (or NULL if key is an aggregate ID).
[in]keyVariable / field name in table.
[out]ndimPointer to integer in which to return the dimensionality of the variable, or NULL if not requested.
[out]sizesArray to store sizes along each dimension, which should hold X_MAX_DIMS integers, or NULL if dimensions are not requested.
Type of data stored under the specified table/key ID.
See also

References SMAX_DIMS, SMAX_TYPES, smaxPullMeta(), smaxTypeForString(), X_SUCCESS, x_trace(), X_UNKNOWN, and xParseDims().

◆ smaxPushMeta()

int smaxPushMeta ( const char *  meta,
const char *  table,
const char *  key,
const char *  value 

Adds/updates metadata associated with an SMA-X variable. The data will be pushed via the Redis pipeline channel.

metaRoot meta table name, usually something like "<metaname>".
tableHash table name.
keyVariable / field name in table.
valueMetadata string value.
X_SUCCESS (0) if the metadata was successfully retrieved X_INCOMPLETE if the meatdata was successfully written but an update notification was not sent or else the return value of redisxSetValue()
See also
smaxPullMeta(), redisxSetValue()

References FALSE, redisxNotify(), redisxSetValue(), smaxError(), smaxGetProgramID(), smaxGetRedis(), x_error(), X_GROUP_INVALID, X_INCOMPLETE, X_NO_INIT, X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, x_trace(), and xGetAggregateID().

◆ smaxSetCoordinateAxis()

int smaxSetCoordinateAxis ( const char *  id,
int  n,
const XCoordinateAxis axis 

Defines the n'th coordinate axis for a given SMA-X coordinate system table id.

idFully qualified SMA-X coordinate system ID.
nThe (0-based) index of the coordinate axis
axisPointer to the structure describing the coordinate axis.
X_SUCCESS (0) if the coordinate axis was successfully set in the database. or else the return value of redisxMultiSet().
See also
smaxSetCoordinateAxis(), redisxMultiSet()

References FALSE, RedisEntry::key, XCoordinateAxis::name, redisxMultiSet(), XCoordinateAxis::refIndex, XCoordinateAxis::refValue, smaxGetRedis(), XCoordinateAxis::step, XCoordinateAxis::unit, RedisEntry::value, X_FAILURE, X_SUCCESS, x_trace(), and xGetAggregateID().

◆ smaxSetCoordinateSystem()

int smaxSetCoordinateSystem ( const char *  table,
const char *  key,
const XCoordinateSystem coords 

Sets the coordinate system metadata for data in the database.

tableHash table name.
keyVariable / field name in table.
coordsPointer to the coordinate system structure associated to this variable.
X_SUCCESS (0) if the coordinate system was successfully sent to SMA-X or else the first error encountered by xSetCoordinateAxis()
See also

References XCoordinateSystem::axis, META_COORDS, XCoordinateSystem::nAxis, smaxSetCoordinateAxis(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, x_trace(), and xGetAggregateID().

◆ smaxSetDescription()

int smaxSetDescription ( const char *  table,
const char *  key,
const char *  description 

Sets the static description for a given SMA-X variable.

tableHash table name.
keyVariable / field name in table.
descriptionConcise but descriptive summary of the meaning of the variable.
X_SUCCESS (0) If successful or else the return value of smaxPushMeta()
See also
smaxSetDescription(), smaxPushMeta()

References META_DESCRIPTION, smaxPushMeta(), and X_SUCCESS.

◆ smaxSetUnits()

int smaxSetUnits ( const char *  table,
const char *  key,
const char *  unit 

Sets the physical unit name for a given SMA-X variable.

tableHash table name.
keyVariable / field name in table.
unitStandard unit specification, e.g. "W / Hz" or "W Hz**{-1}".
X_SUCCESS (0) If successful or else the return value of smaxPushMeta()
See also
smaxGetUnits(), smaxPushMeta()

References META_UNIT, smaxPushMeta(), and X_SUCCESS.