RedisX v0.9
A simple, light-weight Redis database client
No Matches
redisx.h File Reference

Data Structures

struct  Redis
 Structure that represents a Redis database instance, with one or more RedisClient connections. More...
struct  RedisClient
 Structure that represents a single Redis client connection instance. More...
struct  RedisEntry
 A single key / value entry, or field, in the Redis database. More...
struct  RESP
 Structure that represents a Redis response (RESP format). More...


 Redis returned an error.
 The transfer to/from Redis is incomplete.
 There is no such channel in the Redis instance.
#define REDIS_NULL
 Redis returned NULL.
 Got a Redis response with different number of elements than expected.
 Got a Redis response of a different type than expected.
 The number of channels a Redis instance has.
#define REDISX_CMDBUF_SIZE   8192
 (bytes) Size of many internal arrays, and the max. send chunk size. At least ~16 bytes...
 API major version.
 API minor version.
 Integer sub version of the release.
#define REDISX_RCVBUF_SIZE   8192
 (bytes) Redis receive buffer size (at most that much is read from the socket in a single call).
#define REDISX_RELEASE_STRING   "-devel"
 Additional release information in version, e.g. "-1", or "-rc1".
 Whether to explicitly set listener thread priorities.
 (bytes) Default TCP buffer size (send/recv) for Redis clients. Values <= 0 will use system default.
#define REDISX_TCP_PORT   6379
 Default TCP/IP port on which Redis server listens to clients.
#define RESP_ARRAY
 RESP array type.
 RESP bulk string type.
#define RESP_ERROR
 RESP error message type.
#define RESP_INT
 RESP integer type.
 RESP simple string type.


typedef void(* RedisErrorHandler) (Redis *redis, enum redisx_channel channel, const char *op)
typedef void(* RedisSubscriberCall) (const char *pattern, const char *channel, const char *msg, long length)




int redisxAbortBlockAsync (RedisClient *cl)
int redisxAddConnectHook (Redis *redis, void(*setupCall)(Redis *))
int redisxAddDisconnectHook (Redis *redis, void(*cleanupCall)(Redis *))
int redisxAddSubscriber (Redis *redis, const char *channelStem, RedisSubscriberCall f)
RESPredisxArrayRequest (Redis *redis, char *args[], int length[], int n, int *status)
int redisxCheckDestroyRESP (RESP *resp, char expectedType, int expectedSize)
int redisxCheckRESP (const RESP *resp, char expectedType, int expectedSize)
void redisxClearConnectHooks (Redis *redis)
void redisxClearDisconnectHooks (Redis *redis)
int redisxClearSubscribers (Redis *redis)
int redisxConnect (Redis *redis, boolean usePipeline)
void redisxDebugTraffic (boolean value)
void redisxDestroy (Redis *redis)
void redisxDestroyEntries (RedisEntry *entries, int count)
void redisxDestroyKeys (char **keys, int count)
void redisxDestroyRESP (RESP *resp)
void redisxDisconnect (Redis *redis)
int redisxEndSubscription (Redis *redis)
int redisxError (const char *func, int errorCode)
const char * redisxErrorDescription (int code)
RESPredisxExecBlockAsync (RedisClient *cl)
RedisClientredisxGetClient (Redis *redis, enum redisx_channel channel)
char ** redisxGetKeys (Redis *redis, const char *table, int *n)
RedisClientredisxGetLockedConnectedClient (Redis *redis, enum redisx_channel channel)
int redisxGetScanCount (Redis *redis)
char * redisxGetStringValue (Redis *redis, const char *table, const char *key, int *len)
RedisEntryredisxGetTable (Redis *redis, const char *table, int *n)
int redisxGetTime (Redis *redis, struct timespec *t)
RESPredisxGetValue (Redis *redis, const char *table, const char *key, int *status)
boolean redisxHasPipeline (Redis *redis)
int redisxIgnoreReplyAsync (RedisClient *cl)
RedisredisxInit (const char *server)
boolean redisxIsConnected (Redis *redis)
boolean redisxIsVerbose ()
int redisxLoadScript (Redis *redis, const char *script, char **sha1)
int redisxLockClient (RedisClient *cl)
int redisxLockConnected (RedisClient *cl)
int redisxMultiSet (Redis *redis, const char *table, const RedisEntry *entries, int n, boolean confirm)
int redisxMultiSetAsync (RedisClient *cl, const char *table, const RedisEntry *entries, int n, boolean confirm)
int redisxNotify (Redis *redis, const char *channel, const char *message)
int redisxPing (Redis *redis, const char *message)
int redisxPublish (Redis *redis, const char *channel, const char *message, int length)
int redisxPublishAsync (Redis *redis, const char *channel, const char *data, int length)
RESPredisxReadReplyAsync (RedisClient *cl)
int redisxReconnect (Redis *redis, boolean usePipeline)
int redisxRemoveConnectHook (Redis *redis, void(*setupCall)(Redis *))
int redisxRemoveDisconnectHook (Redis *redis, void(*cleanupCall)(Redis *))
int redisxRemoveSubscribers (Redis *redis, RedisSubscriberCall f)
RESPredisxRequest (Redis *redis, const char *command, const char *arg1, const char *arg2, const char *arg3, int *status)
char ** redisxScanKeys (Redis *redis, const char *pattern, int *n, int *status)
RedisEntryredisxScanTable (Redis *redis, const char *table, const char *pattern, int *n, int *status)
int redisxSelectDB (Redis *redis, int idx)
int redisxSendArrayRequestAsync (RedisClient *cl, char *args[], int length[], int n)
int redisxSendRequestAsync (RedisClient *cl, const char *command, const char *arg1, const char *arg2, const char *arg3)
int redisxSetPassword (Redis *redis, const char *passwd)
int redisxSetPipelineConsumer (Redis *redis, void(*f)(RESP *))
int redisxSetPort (Redis *redis, int port)
int redisxSetScanCount (Redis *redis, int count)
void redisxSetTcpBuf (int size)
int redisxSetTransmitErrorHandler (Redis *redis, RedisErrorHandler f)
int redisxSetUser (Redis *redis, const char *username)
int redisxSetValue (Redis *redis, const char *table, const char *key, const char *value, boolean confirm)
int redisxSetValueAsync (RedisClient *cl, const char *table, const char *key, const char *value, boolean confirm)
void redisxSetVerbose (boolean value)
int redisxSkipReplyAsync (RedisClient *cl)
int redisxStartBlockAsync (RedisClient *cl)
int redisxSubscribe (Redis *redis, const char *channel)
int redisxUnlockClient (RedisClient *cl)
int redisxUnsubscribe (Redis *redis, const char *channel)

Detailed Description

May 4, 2018
Attila Kovacs

RedisX public constant, data types and function prototypes.

Macro Definition Documentation



[0.0:1.0] Listener priority as fraction of available range You may want to set it quite high to ensure that the receive buffer is promptly cleared.



The version string for this library

Typedef Documentation

◆ RedisErrorHandler

typedef void(* RedisErrorHandler) (Redis *redis, enum redisx_channel channel, const char *op)

User-specified callback function for handling RedisX errors.

redisPointer to the RedisX instance
channelthe channel over which the error occurred
opthe name/ID of the operation where the error occurred.

◆ RedisSubscriberCall

typedef void(* RedisSubscriberCall) (const char *pattern, const char *channel, const char *msg, long length)

A type of function that handles Redis PUB/SUB messages. These functions should follow a set of basic rules:

  • The call should return promptly and never block for significant periors. If it has blocking calls or if extended processing is required, the function should simply place a copy of the necessary information on a queue and process queued entries in a separate thread. (The call arguments will not persist beyond the scope of the call, so don't attempt to place them directly in a queue.)

  • The subscriber call should not attempt to modify or free() the strings it is called with. The same strings maybe used by other subscribers, and thus modifying their content would produce unpredictable results with those subscribers.

  • If the call needs to manipulate the supplied string arguments, it should operate on copies (e.g. obtained via xStringCopy()).

  • The caller should free up any temporary resources it allocates, including copies of the argument strings, before returning. However, it should never call free() on the supplied arguments directly.
patternThe subscription pattern for which this notification came for or NULL if not a pattern match.
channelThe PUB/SUB channel on which the message arrived.
msgA pointer to the message content received. The message buffer itself is not expected to last beyond the call, so the function f() should make a copy if it for any persistent use.
lengthThe number of bytes in the message. Since Redis messages can be binary a '\0' termination should no be assumed. Instead, the length of the message is specified explicitly.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ redisx_channel

RedisX channel IDs. RedisX uses up to three separate connections to the server: (1) an interactive client, in which each query is a full round trip, (2) a pipeline clinet, in which queries are submitted in bulk, and responses arrive asynchronously, and (3) a substription client devoted to PUB/SUB requests and push messages. Not all clients are typically initialized at start. The interactive channel is always connected; the pipeline client can be selected when connecting to the server; and the subscription client is connected as needed to process PUB/SUB requests.


Redis channel number for interactive queries.


Redis channel number for pipelined transfers.


Redis channel number for PUB/SUB messages.

Function Documentation

◆ redisxAbortBlockAsync()

int redisxAbortBlockAsync ( RedisClient cl)

Abort an atomic transaction block. It sends DISCARD.

clPointer to a Redis client
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or X_NULL if the client is NULL, or else X_NO_SERVICE if not connected ot the client or if send() failed.
See also

References redisxIgnoreReplyAsync(), TRUE, x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxAddConnectHook()

int redisxAddConnectHook ( Redis redis,
void(*)(Redis *)  setupCall 

Adds a connect call hook, provided it is not already part of the setup routine.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
setupCallUser-specified callback routine to be called after the Redis instance has been connected. It will be passed a pointer to the Redis instance, which triggered the call by having established connection.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful or else X_NULL if either of the arguments is NULL.

References x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and xvprintf.

◆ redisxAddDisconnectHook()

int redisxAddDisconnectHook ( Redis redis,
void(*)(Redis *)  cleanupCall 

Adds a cleanup call, provided it is not already part of the cleanup routine, for when the specified Redis instance is disconnected.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
cleanupCallUser specified function to call when Redis is disconnected. It will be passed a pointer to the Redis instance, which triggered the call by having disconnected from the Redis server.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful or else X_NULL if either of the arguments is NULL.

References x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and xvprintf.

◆ redisxAddSubscriber()

int redisxAddSubscriber ( Redis redis,
const char *  channelStem,
RedisSubscriberCall  f 

Add a targeted subscriber processing function to the list of functions that process Redis PUB/SUB responses. You will still have to subscribe the relevant PUB/SUB messages from redis separately, using redisxSubscribe() before any messages are delivered to this client. If the subscriber with the same callback function and channel stem is already added, this call simply return and will NOT create a duplicate enry. However, the same callback may be added multiple times with different channel stems (which pre-filter what messages each of the callbacks may get).

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
channelStemIf NULL, the consumer will receive all Redis messages published to the given channel. Otherwise, the consumer will be notified only if the incoming channel begins with the specified stem.
fA function that consumes subscription messages.
See also

References x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, x_warn(), xStringCopyOf(), and xvprintf.

◆ redisxArrayRequest()

RESP * redisxArrayRequest ( Redis redis,
char *  args[],
int  lengths[],
int  n,
int *  status 

Returns the result of the most generic type of Redis request with any number of arguments. This is not the highest throughput mode (that would be sending asynchronous pipeline request, and then asynchronously collecting the results such as with redisxSendArrayRequestAsync() / redisxReadReplyAsync(), because it requires separate network roundtrips for each and every request. But, it is simple and perfectly good method when one needs to retrieve only a few (<1000) variables per second...

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
argsAn array of strings to send to Redis, corresponding to a single query.
lengthsArray indicating the number of bytes to send from each string argument. Zero values can be used to determine the string length automatically using strlen(), and the length argument itself may be NULL to determine the lengths of all string arguments automatically.
nNumber of string arguments.
statusPointer to the return error status, which is either
                 X_SUCCESS       on success.
                 X_NO_INIT       if the Redis client librarywas not initialized via initRedis.
                 X_NULL          if the argument is NULL or n<1.
                 X_NO_SERVICE    if not connected to Redis.
                 X_FAILURE       If there was a socket level error.
A freshly allocated RESP array containing the Redis response, or NULL if no valid response could be obtained.
See also

References Redis::interactive, redisxLockConnected(), redisxReadReplyAsync(), redisxSendArrayRequestAsync(), redisxUnlockClient(), x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, x_trace_null(), and xvprintf.

◆ redisxCheckDestroyRESP()

int redisxCheckDestroyRESP ( RESP resp,
char  expectedType,
int  expectedSize 

Like redisxCheckRESP(), but it also destroys the RESP in case of an error.

respPointer to the RESP structure from Redis.
expectedTypeThe RESP type expected (e.g. RESP_ARRAY) or 0 if not checking type.
expectedSizeThe expected size of the RESP (array or bytes) or <=0 to skip checking
The return value of redisxCheckRESP().
See also

References redisxCheckRESP(), and redisxDestroyRESP().

◆ redisxCheckRESP()

int redisxCheckRESP ( const RESP resp,
char  expectedType,
int  expectedSize 

Checks a Redis RESP for NULL values or unexpected values.

respPointer to the RESP structure from Redis.
expectedTypeThe RESP type expected (e.g. RESP_ARRAY) or 0 if not checking type.
expectedSizeThe expected size of the RESP (array or bytes) or <=0 to skip checking
X_SUCCESS (0) if the RESP passes the tests, or X_NULL if the RESP is NULL (garbled response). REDIS_NULL if Redis returned (nil), REDIS_UNEXPECTED_TYPE if got a reply of a different type than expected REDIS_UNEXPECTED_ARRAY_SIZE if got a reply of different size than expected.

or the error returned in resp->n.


◆ redisxClearConnectHooks()

void redisxClearConnectHooks ( Redis redis)

Removes all connect hooks, that is no user callbacks will be made when the specifed Redis instance is connected.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.

References xvprintf.

◆ redisxClearDisconnectHooks()

void redisxClearDisconnectHooks ( Redis redis)

Removes all disconnect hooks, that is no user-specified callbacks will be made when the specified Redis instance is disconnected.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.

References xvprintf.

◆ redisxClearSubscribers()

int redisxClearSubscribers ( Redis redis)

Stops the custom consumption of PUB/SUB messages from Redis.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or X_NULL if the redis instance is NULL.

References x_error(), X_NULL, and xvprintf.

◆ redisxConnect()

int redisxConnect ( Redis redis,
boolean  usePipeline 

Connects to a Redis server.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
usePipelineTRUE (non-zero) if Redis should be connected with a pipeline client also, or FALSE (0) if only the interactive client is needed.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successfully connected to the Redis server. X_NO_INIT if library was not initialized via initRedis(). X_ALREADY_OPEN if already connected. X_NO_SERVICE if the connection failed. X_NULL if the redis argument is NULL.
See also

References x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxDebugTraffic()

void redisxDebugTraffic ( boolean  value)

Enable or disable verbose reporting of all Redis bound traffic. It may be useful when debugging programs that use the redisx interface. Verbose reporting is DISABLED by default.

valueTRUE to enable verbose reporting, or FALSE to disable.
See also

References FALSE, and TRUE.

◆ redisxDestroy()

void redisxDestroy ( Redis redis)

Destroys a Redis intance, disconnecting any clients that may be connected, and freeing all resources used by that Redis instance.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.

References REDISX_CHANNELS, redisxDisconnect(), and redisxIsConnected().

◆ redisxDestroyEntries()

void redisxDestroyEntries ( RedisEntry entries,
int  count 

Destroy a RedisEntry array, such as returned e.g. by redisxScanTable()

entriesPointer to the entries array (or single entry data). It may be NULL, in which case this call will return immediately.
countThe number of elements contained in the array
See also

References RedisEntry::key, and RedisEntry::value.

◆ redisxDestroyKeys()

void redisxDestroyKeys ( char **  keys,
int  count 

Destroy an array of keywords (i.e. an array of string pointers), such as returned e.g. by redisxScanKeys().

keysAn array of string pointers
countThe number of strings contained in the array. It may be NULL., in which case this call will return immediately.
See also

◆ redisxDestroyRESP()

void redisxDestroyRESP ( RESP resp)

Frees up the resources used by a RESP structure that was dynamically allocated. The call will segfault if the same RESP is destroyed twice or if the argument is a static allocation.

respPointer to the RESP structure to be destroyed, which may be NULL (no action taken).

References RESP::n, redisxDestroyRESP(), RESP_ARRAY, RESP::type, and RESP::value.

◆ redisxDisconnect()

void redisxDisconnect ( Redis redis)

Disconnect all clients from the Redis server.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.

◆ redisxEndSubscription()

int redisxEndSubscription ( Redis redis)

Unsubscribes from all channels, stops the subscription listener thread, and closes the subscription client connection.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful or else an error code (<0).
See also

References x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxError()

int redisxError ( const char *  func,
int  errorCode 

Prints a descriptive error message to stderr, and returns the error code.

funcA string that describes the function or location where the error occurred.
errorCodeThe error code that describes the failure.
the error code.

References MAX_DEBUG_ERROR_COUNT, REDIS_INCOMPLETE_TRANSFER, redisxErrorDescription(), and xDebug.

◆ redisxErrorDescription()

const char * redisxErrorDescription ( int  code)

Returns a string description for one of the RM error codes.

codeOne of the error codes defined in 'rm.h' or in 'redisrm.h' (e.g. X_NO_PIPELINE)
A constant string with the error description.


◆ redisxExecBlockAsync()

RESP * redisxExecBlockAsync ( RedisClient cl)

Finish and execute an atomic transaction block. It sends EXEC, skips through all OK and QUEUED acknowledgements, and returns the reply to the transaction block itself.

clPointer to a Redis client
The array RESP returned by EXEC, or NULL if there was an error.
See also

References redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxReadReplyAsync(), redisxSkipReplyAsync(), RESP_ARRAY, RESP_ERROR, TRUE, RESP::type, x_error(), and x_trace_null().

◆ redisxGetClient()

RedisClient * redisxGetClient ( Redis redis,
enum redisx_channel  channel 

Returns the redis client for a given connection type in a Redis instance.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
Pointer to the matching Redis client, or NULL if the channel argument is invalid.

References REDISX_CHANNELS, and x_error().

◆ redisxGetKeys()

char ** redisxGetKeys ( Redis redis,
const char *  table,
int *  n 

Returns all the key names stored in a given hash table

[in]redisPointer to a Redis instance.
[in]tableThe hashtable from which to retrieve a value or NULL if to use the global table.
[out]nPointer to the integer in which the number of elements or an error (<0) is returned. It may return an error value from redisxRequest(), or:

REDIS_NULL If got a null or empty response from Redis UNEXPECTED_RESP If the response from Redis was not the expected array type

An array with pointers to key names from this table or NULL if there was an error (see parameter n for an error status from redisx.h / xchange.h).
See also

References RESP::n, redisxCheckDestroyRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxRequest(), RESP_ARRAY, RESP::value, x_error(), X_NULL, and x_trace_null().

◆ redisxGetLockedConnectedClient()

RedisClient * redisxGetLockedConnectedClient ( Redis redis,
enum redisx_channel  channel 

Returns the redis client for a given connection type in a Redis instance, with the exclusive access lock if the client is valid and is connected, or else NULL. It is effectively the combination of redisxGetClient() followed by redisxLockConnected().

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
The locked client, if it is enabled, or NULL if the redis argument is NULL, the channel is invalid, or the requested client is not currently connected.
See also

References redisxGetClient(), redisxLockConnected(), X_SUCCESS, and x_trace_null().

◆ redisxGetScanCount()

int redisxGetScanCount ( Redis redis)

Returns the COUNT parameter currently set to be used with Redis SCAN-type commands

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
The current COUNT to use for SCAN-type commands or <0 to use default.
See also

References x_error().

◆ redisxGetStringValue()

char * redisxGetStringValue ( Redis redis,
const char *  table,
const char *  key,
int *  len 

Retrieve a variable from Redis as a string (or byte array), through the interactive connection. This is not the highest throughput mode (that would be sending asynchronous pipeline request, and then asynchronously collecting the results such as with redisxSendRequestAsync() / redisxReadReplyAsync()), because it requires separate network roundtrips for each and every request. But, it is simple and perfectly good method when one needs to retrieve only a few (<1000) variables per second...

The call effectively implements a Redis GET (if the table argument is NULL) or HGET call.

[in]redisPointer to a Redis instance.
[in]tableHashtable from which to retrieve a value or NULL if to use the global table.
[in]keyField name (i.e. variable name).
[out]len(optional) pointer in which to return the length (>=0) of the value or else an error code (<0) defined in xchange.h / redisx.h
A freshly allocated RESP array containing the Redis response, or NULL if no valid response could be obtained.
See also

References RESP::n, redisxCheckRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxGetValue(), RESP_BULK_STRING, RESP::value, x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and x_trace_null().

◆ redisxGetTable()

RedisEntry * redisxGetTable ( Redis redis,
const char *  table,
int *  n 

Returns all the key/value pairs stored in a given hash table

[in]redisPointer to a Redis instance.
[in]tableHashtable from which to retrieve a value or NULL if to use the global table.
[out]nPointer to the integer in which the number of elements or an error (<0) is returned. It may return an error value from redisxRequest(), or:

REDIS_NULL If got a null or empty response from Redis UNEXPECTED_RESP If the response from Redis was not the expected array type

A table of all entries (key/value pairs) from this table or NULL if there was an error (see parameter n).
See also

References RedisEntry::key, RedisEntry::length, RESP::n, redisxCheckDestroyRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxRequest(), RESP_ARRAY, RESP::value, RedisEntry::value, x_error(), X_GROUP_INVALID, X_NULL, and x_trace_null().

◆ redisxGetTime()

int redisxGetTime ( Redis redis,
struct timespec *  t 

Returns the current time on the Redis server instance.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
[out]tPointer to a timespec structure in which to return the server time.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or X_NULL if either argument is NULL, or X_PARSE_ERROR if could not parse the response, or another error returned by redisxCheckRESP().

References redisxCheckDestroyRESP(), redisxCheckRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxRequest(), RESP_ARRAY, RESP_BULK_STRING, RESP::value, x_error(), X_NULL, X_PARSE_ERROR, X_SUCCESS, and x_trace().

◆ redisxGetValue()

RESP * redisxGetValue ( Redis redis,
const char *  table,
const char *  key,
int *  status 

Retrieve a variable from Redis (as an undigested RESP), through the interactive connection. This is not the highest throughput mode (that would be sending asynchronous pipeline request, and then asynchronously collecting the results such as with redisxSendRequestAsync() / redisxReadReplyAsync()), because it requires separate network roundtrips for each and every request. But, it is simple and perfectly good method when one needs to retrieve only a few (<1000) variables per second...

The call effectively implements a Redis GET (if the table argument is NULL) or HGET call.

[in]redisPointer to a Redis instance.
[in]tableHashtable from which to retrieve a value or NULL if to use the global table.
[in]keyField name (i.e. variable name).
[out]status(optional) pointer to the return error status, which is either X_SUCCESS on success or else the error code set by redisxArrayRequest(). It may be NULL if not required.
A freshly allocated RESP array containing the Redis response, or NULL if no valid response could be obtained.
See also

References redisxRequest(), x_error(), X_GROUP_INVALID, X_NAME_INVALID, X_NULL, and x_trace_null().

◆ redisxHasPipeline()

boolean redisxHasPipeline ( Redis redis)

Checks if a Redis instance has the pipeline connection enabled.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
TRUE (1) if the pipeline client is enabled on the Redis intance, or FALSE (0) otherwise.

References FALSE, and Redis::pipeline.

◆ redisxIgnoreReplyAsync()

int redisxIgnoreReplyAsync ( RedisClient cl)

Silently consumes a reply from the specified Redis channel.

clPointer to a Redis channel.
X_SUCCESS if a response was successfully consumed, or REDIS_NULL if a valid response could not be obtained.

References REDIS_NULL, redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxReadReplyAsync(), x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and x_trace().

◆ redisxInit()

Redis * redisxInit ( const char *  server)

Initializes the Redis client library, and sets the hostname or IP address for the Redis server.

serverServer host name or numeric IP address, e.g. ""
X_SUCCESS or X_FAILURE if the IP address is invalid. X_NULL if the IP address is NULL.

References FALSE, Redis::id, Redis::interactive, Redis::pipeline, REDISX_CHANNELS, REDISX_INTERACTIVE_CHANNEL, REDISX_PIPELINE_CHANNEL, REDISX_SUBSCRIPTION_CHANNEL, REDISX_TCP_PORT, Redis::subscription, TRUE, x_error(), x_trace_null(), and xStringCopyOf().

◆ redisxIsConnected()

boolean redisxIsConnected ( Redis redis)

Checks if a Redis instance is connected.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
TRUE (1) if the Redis instance is connected, or FALSE (0) otherwise.

References FALSE, and Redis::interactive.

◆ redisxIsVerbose()

boolean redisxIsVerbose ( )

Checks id verbose reporting is enabled.

TRUE if verbose reporting is enabled, otherwise FALSE.

References xIsVerbose().

◆ redisxLoadScript()

int redisxLoadScript ( Redis redis,
const char *  script,
char **  sha1 

Loads a LUA script into Redis, returning its SHA1 hash to use as it's call ID.

[in]redisPointer to a Redis instance.
[in]scriptString containing the full LUA script.
[out]sha1Buffer into which SHA1 key returned by Redis to use as call ID. (It must be at least 41 bytes, and will be string terminated). By default it will return an empty string.
X_SUCCESS (0) if the script has been successfully loaded into Redis, or X_NULL if the Redis instance is NULL X_NAME_INVALID if the script is NULL or empty. REDIS_UNEXPECTED_RESP if received a Redis reponse of the wrong type, or an error (<0) returned by redisxRequest().

References redisxCheckDestroyRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxRequest(), RESP_BULK_STRING, RESP::value, x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and x_trace().

◆ redisxLockClient()

int redisxLockClient ( RedisClient cl)

Get exclusive write access to the specified Redis channel.

clPointer to the Redis client instance.
X_SUCCESS if the exclusive lock for the channel was successfully obtained X_FAILURE if pthread_mutex_lock() returned an error X_NULL if the client is NULL.
See also

References x_error(), X_FAILURE, X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxLockConnected()

int redisxLockConnected ( RedisClient cl)

Lock a channel, but only if it has been enabled for communication.

clPointer to the Redis client instance
X_SUCCESS (0) if an excusive lock to the channel has been granted. X_FAILURE if pthread_mutex_lock() returned an error X_NULL if the client is NULL REDIS_INVALID_CHANNEL if the channel is not enabled/connected.
See also

References redisxLockClient(), redisxUnlockClient(), x_error(), X_NO_SERVICE, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxMultiSet()

int redisxMultiSet ( Redis redis,
const char *  table,
const RedisEntry entries,
int  n,
boolean  confirm 

Sets multiple key/value pairs in a given hash table.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
tableHashtable from which to retrieve a value.
entriesPointer to an array of key/value pairs.
nNumber of entries.
confirmWhether we should get a confirmation from the server (requires a round-trip).
X_SUCCESS (0) on success or an error code (<0) from redisx.h / xchange.h.

References Redis::interactive, REDIS_ERROR, redisxCheckRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxLockConnected(), redisxMultiSetAsync(), redisxReadReplyAsync(), RESP_SIMPLE_STRING, RESP::value, x_error(), X_GROUP_INVALID, X_NULL, X_SIZE_INVALID, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxMultiSetAsync()

int redisxMultiSetAsync ( RedisClient cl,
const char *  table,
const RedisEntry entries,
int  n,
boolean  confirm 

Sets multiple key/value pairs in a given hash table. This function should be called with exclusive access to the client.

clA Redis client to which we have exclusive access.
tableHashtable from which to retrieve a value.
entriesPointer to an array of key/value pairs.
nNumber of entries.
confirmWhether we should get a confirmation from the server (requires a round-trip).
X_SUCCESS (0) on success or an error code (<0) from redisx.h / xchange.h.
See also

References RedisEntry::length, redisxSendArrayRequestAsync(), redisxSkipReplyAsync(), x_error(), X_FAILURE, X_GROUP_INVALID, X_NULL, X_SIZE_INVALID, X_SUCCESS, and x_trace().

◆ redisxNotify()

int redisxNotify ( Redis redis,
const char *  channel,
const char *  message 

Sends a regular string terminated Redis PUB/SUB message on the specified channel. Same as redisxPublish() with the length argument set to the length of the string message. Redis must be connected before attempting to send messages.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
channelRedis PUB/SUB channel on which to notify
messageMessage to send.
X_SUCCESS if the message was successfullt sent. X_NO_INIT if the Redis library was not initialized via initRedis(). X_NO_SERVICE if there was a connection problem. PARSE_ERROR if the Redis response could not be confirmed.
See also

References redisxPublish(), and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxPing()

int redisxPing ( Redis redis,
const char *  message 

Pings the Redis server (see the Redis PING command), and checks the response.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
messageOptional message , or NULL for PING without an argument.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or else an error code (<0) from redisx.h / xchange.h.

References REDIS_UNEXPECTED_RESP, redisxCheckRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxRequest(), RESP_BULK_STRING, RESP_SIMPLE_STRING, RESP::value, x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxPublish()

int redisxPublish ( Redis redis,
const char *  channel,
const char *  data,
int  length 

Sends a generic Redis PUB/SUB message on the specified channel. Redis must be connected before attempting to send messages. It will send the message over the pipeline client if it is avaiable, or else over the interactive client.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
channelRedis PUB/SUB channel on which to notify
dataData to send.
lengthBytes of data to send, or 0 to determine automatically with strlen().
X_SUCCESS if the message was successfullt sent. X_NO_INIT if the Redis library was not initialized via initRedis(). X_NO_SERVICE if there was a connection problem. PARSE_ERROR if the Redis response could not be confirmed.
See also

References Redis::id, Redis::interactive, redisxLockConnected(), redisxPublishAsync(), redisxUnlockClient(), x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and xvprintf.

◆ redisxPublishAsync()

int redisxPublishAsync ( Redis redis,
const char *  channel,
const char *  data,
int  length 

Sends a Redis notification asynchronously using the Redis "PUBLISH" command. The caller should have an exclusive lock on the interactive Redis channel before calling this.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
channelRedis PUB/SUB channel on which to notify
dataMessage body data.
lengthBytes of message data to send, ot 0 to determine automatically with strlen().
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or else X_NULL if the redis instance is NULL X_NAME_INVALID if the PUB/SUB channel is null or empty or an error code (<0) returned by redisxSendArrayRequestAsync().
See also

References Redis::interactive, redisxSendArrayRequestAsync(), redisxSkipReplyAsync(), x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxReadReplyAsync()

RESP * redisxReadReplyAsync ( RedisClient cl)

Reads a response from Redis and returns it.

clPointer to a Redis channel
The RESP structure for the reponse received from Redis, or NULL if an error was encountered (errno will be set to describe the error, which may either be an errno produced by recv() or EBADMSG if the message was corrupted and/or unparseable.


◆ redisxReconnect()

int redisxReconnect ( Redis redis,
boolean  usePipeline 

Disconnects from Redis, and then connects again...

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
usePipelineWhether to reconnect in pipelined mode.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful X_NULL if the Redis instance is NULL

or else an error (<0) as would be returned by redisxConnect().

References x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxRemoveConnectHook()

int redisxRemoveConnectHook ( Redis redis,
void(*)(Redis *)  setupCall 

Removes a connect call hook.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
setupCallUser-specified callback routine to be called after the Redis instance has been connected.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful or else X_NULL if either of the arguments is NULL.

References x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and xvprintf.

◆ redisxRemoveDisconnectHook()

int redisxRemoveDisconnectHook ( Redis redis,
void(*)(Redis *)  cleanupCall 

Removes a cleanup call hook for when the Redis instance is disconnected.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
cleanupCallUser specified function to call when Redis is disconnected.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful or else X_NULL if the argument is NULL.

References x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and xvprintf.

◆ redisxRemoveSubscribers()

int redisxRemoveSubscribers ( Redis redis,
RedisSubscriberCall  f 

Removes all instances of a subscribe consumer function from the current list of consumers. This calls only deactivates the specified processing callback function(s), without stopping the delivery of associated messages. To stop Redis sending messages that are no longer being processed, you should also call redisxUnsubscribe() as appropriate.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
fThe consumer function to remove from the list of active subscribers.
The number of instances of f() that have been removed from the list of subscribers.
See also

References x_error(), X_NULL, and xvprintf.

◆ redisxRequest()

RESP * redisxRequest ( Redis redis,
const char *  command,
const char *  arg1,
const char *  arg2,
const char *  arg3,
int *  status 

Returns the result of a Redis command with up to 3 regularly terminated string arguments. This is not the highest throughput mode (that would be sending asynchronous pipeline request, and then asynchronously collecting the results such as with redisxSendRequestAsync() / redisxReadReplyAsync(), because it requires separate network roundtrips for each and every request. But, it is simple and perfectly good method when one needs to retrieve only a few (<1000) variables per second...

To make Redis calls with binary (non-string) data, you can use redisxArrayRequest() instead, where you can set the number of bytes for each argument explicitly.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
commandRedis command, e.g. "HGET"
arg1First terminated string argument or NULL.
arg2Second terminated string argument or NULL.
arg3Third terminated string argument or NULL.
statusPointer to the return error status, which is either X_SUCCESS on success or else the error code set by redisxArrayRequest().
A freshly allocated RESP array containing the Redis response, or NULL if no valid response could be obtained.
See also

References redisxArrayRequest(), x_error(), X_NULL, and x_trace_null().

◆ redisxScanKeys()

char ** redisxScanKeys ( Redis redis,
const char *  pattern,
int *  n,
int *  status 

Returns an alphabetical list of the Redis keys using the Redis SCAN command. Because it uses the scan command, it is guaranteed to not hog the database for excessive periods, and hence it is preferable to redisxGetKeys(table=NULL).

Some data may be returned even if there was an error, and the caller is responsible for cleaning up the returned srotage elements.

The caller may adjust the amount of work performed in each scan call via the redisxSetScanCount() function, prior to calling this.

[in]redisPointer to a Redis instance.
[in]patternkeyword pattern to match, or NULL for all keys.
[out]nPointer to the integer in which the number of elements
[out]statusinteger in which to return the status, which is X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or may an error value from redisxRequest(), or:

X_NULL If one of the arguments is NULL REDIS_NULL If got a null or empty response from Redis UNEXPECTED_RESP If the response from Redis was not the expected array type

An array with pointers to key names from this table or NULL.
See also

References RESP::n, redisxArrayRequest(), redisxCheckRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxGetScanCount(), RESP_ARRAY, RESP_BULK_STRING, SCAN_INITIAL_STORE_CAPACITY, RESP::value, x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, x_trace(), xdprintf, xStringCopyOf(), and xvprintf.

◆ redisxScanTable()

RedisEntry * redisxScanTable ( Redis redis,
const char *  table,
const char *  pattern,
int *  n,
int *  status 

Returns an alphabetical list of the Redis hash table data using the Redis HSCAN command. Because it uses the scan command, it is guaranteed to not hog the database for excessive periods, and hence it is preferable to redisxGetTable().

Some data may be returned even if there was an error, and the caller is responsible for cleaning up the returned srotage elements.

The caller may adjust the amount of work performed in each scan call via the redisxSetScanCount() function, prior to calling this.

[in]redisPointer to a Redis instance.
[in]tableName of Redis hash table to scan data from
[in]patternkeyword pattern to match, or NULL for all keys.
[out]nPointer to the integer in which the number of elements
[out]statusinteger in which to return the status, which is X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or may an error value from redisxRequest(), or:

X_NULL If one of the arguments is NULL REDIS_NULL If got a null or empty response from Redis UNEXPECTED_RESP If the response from Redis was not the expected array type

A RedisEntry[] array or NULL.
See also

References RedisEntry::key, RedisEntry::length, RESP::n, redisxArrayRequest(), redisxCheckRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxGetScanCount(), RESP_ARRAY, RESP_BULK_STRING, SCAN_INITIAL_STORE_CAPACITY, RESP::value, RedisEntry::value, x_error(), X_GROUP_INVALID, X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, x_trace(), xdprintf, xStringCopyOf(), and xvprintf.

◆ redisxSelectDB()

int redisxSelectDB ( Redis redis,
int  idx 

Switches to another database index on the Redis server. Note that you cannot change the database on an active PUB/SUB channel, hence the call will return X_INCOMPLETE if attempted. You should instead switch DB when there are no active subscriptions.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
idxzero-based database index
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or X_NULL if the redis argument is NULL, X_INCOMPLETE if there is an active subscription channel that cannot be switched or one of the channels could not confirm the switch, or else another error code (<0) from redisx.h / xchange.h.
See also

References REDIS_INVALID_CHANNEL, REDISX_CHANNELS, REDISX_PIPELINE_CHANNEL, REDISX_SUBSCRIPTION_CHANNEL, redisxAddConnectHook(), redisxGetClient(), redisxIsConnected(), redisxLockConnected(), redisxRemoveConnectHook(), redisxUnlockClient(), x_error(), X_INCOMPLETE, X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and x_trace().

◆ redisxSendArrayRequestAsync()

int redisxSendArrayRequestAsync ( RedisClient cl,
char *  args[],
int  lengths[],
int  n 

Send a Redis request with an arbitrary number of arguments.

clPointer to the Redis client.
argsThe array of string arguments to send.
lengthsArray indicating the number of bytes to send from each string argument. Zero or negative values can be used to determine the string length automatically using strlen(), and the length argument itself may be NULL to determine the lengths of all string arguments automatically.
nThe number of arguments to send.
X_SUCCESS (0) on success or X_NULL if the client is NULL, or else X_NO_SERVICE if not connected to the client or if send() failed.


◆ redisxSendRequestAsync()

int redisxSendRequestAsync ( RedisClient cl,
const char *  command,
const char *  arg1,
const char *  arg2,
const char *  arg3 

Send a command (with up to 3 arguments) to the Redis server. The caller must have an exclusive lock on the client for this version. The arguments supplied will be used up to the first non-NULL value.

clPointer to the Redis client instance.
commandRedis command string.
arg1Optional first string argument or NULL.
arg2Optional second string argument or NULL.
arg3Optional third string argument or NULL.
X_SUCCESS (0) on success or X_NULL if the client is NULL, or else X_NO_SERVICE if not connected to the client or if send() failed

References redisxSendArrayRequestAsync(), x_error(), X_NAME_INVALID, X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxSetPassword()

int redisxSetPassword ( Redis redis,
const char *  passwd 

Sets the password to use for authenticating on the Redis server after connection. See the AUTH Redis command for more explanation. Naturally, you need to call this prior to connecting your Redis instance to have the desired effect.

redisPointer to the Redis instance for which to set credentials
passwdthe password to use for authenticating on the server, or NULL to clear a previously configured password.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, X_NULL if the redis argument is NULL, or X_ALREADY_OPEN if called after Redis was already connected.
See also

References redisxIsConnected(), X_ALREADY_OPEN, x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and xStringCopyOf().

◆ redisxSetPipelineConsumer()

int redisxSetPipelineConsumer ( Redis redis,
void(*)(RESP *)  f 

Sets the function processing valid pipeline responses.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
fT he function that processes a single argument of type RESP pointer.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or X_NULL if the Redis instance is NULL.

References x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxSetPort()

int redisxSetPort ( Redis redis,
int  port 

Sets a non-standard TCP port number to use for the Redis server, prior to calling redisxConnect().

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
portThe TCP port number to use.
See also

References x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxSetScanCount()

int redisxSetScanCount ( Redis redis,
int  count 

Sets the COUNT parameter to use with Redis SCAN type commands. COUNT specifies how much work Redis should do in a single scan iteration. 0 (or negative) values can be used to scan with defaults (without the COUNT option), which is usually equivalent to COUNT=10. When scanning large datasets, it may take many scan calls to go through all the data. When networking has limited bandwidth, or large latencies it may be desirable to do more work per call on the server side to reduce traffic. However, the cost of larger COUNT values is that it may increase server latencies for other queries.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
countThe new COUNT to use for SCAN-type commands or <0 to use default.
See also

References x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxSetTcpBuf()

void redisxSetTcpBuf ( int  size)

Set the size of the TCP/IP buffers (send and receive) for future client connections.

size(bytes) requested buffer size, or <= 0 to use default value

References xvprintf.

◆ redisxSetTransmitErrorHandler()

int redisxSetTransmitErrorHandler ( Redis redis,
RedisErrorHandler  f 

Sets the user-specific error handler to call if a socket level trasmit error occurs. It replaces any prior handlers set earlier.

redisThe Redis instance to configure.
fThe error handler function, which is called with the pointer to the redis instance that had the errror, the redis channel index (e.g. REDIS_INTERACTIVE_CHANNEL) and the operation (e.g. 'send' or 'read') that failed. Note, that the call may be made with the affected Redis channel being in a locked state. As such the handler should not directly attempt to change the connection state of the Redis instance. Any calls that require exlusive access to the affected channel should instead be spawn off into a separate thread, which can obtain the necessary lock when it is released.
X_SUCCESS if the handler was successfully configured, or X_NULL if the Redis instance is NULL.

References x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxSetUser()

int redisxSetUser ( Redis redis,
const char *  username 

Sets the user name to use for authenticating on the Redis server after connection. See the AUTH Redis command for more explanation. Naturally, you need to call this prior to connecting your Redis instance to have the desired effect.

redisPointer to the Redis instance for which to set credentials
usernamethe password to use for authenticating on the server, or NULL to clear a previously configured password.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, X_NULL if the redis argument is NULL, or X_ALREADY_OPEN if called after Redis was already connected.
See also

References redisxIsConnected(), X_ALREADY_OPEN, x_error(), X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and xStringCopyOf().

◆ redisxSetValue()

int redisxSetValue ( Redis redis,
const char *  table,
const char *  key,
const char *  value,
boolean  confirm 

Sets a global or hashtable value on Redis.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
tableHash table identifier or NULL if setting a global value.
keyRedis field name (i.e. variable name).
valueA proper 0-terminated string value to store.
confirmWhether we should get a confirmation from the server (requires a round-trip).
X_SUCCESS if the variable was succesfully set, or: X_NO_INIT X_NAME_INVALID X_NULL X_NO_SERVICE X_FAILURE

References Redis::interactive, redisxCheckRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxLockConnected(), redisxReadReplyAsync(), redisxSetValueAsync(), redisxUnlockClient(), RESP_INT, x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxSetValueAsync()

int redisxSetValueAsync ( RedisClient cl,
const char *  table,
const char *  key,
const char *  value,
boolean  confirm 

Sends a request for setting a table value, using the Redis "SET" or "HSET" command.

clPointer to a Redis channel.
tableHashtable from which to retrieve a value or NULL if to use the global table.
keyField name (i.e. variable name).
valueThe string value to set (assumes normal string termination).'
confirmWhether confirmation is required from Redis to acknowledge.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or X_NULL if the client or value is NULL X_NAME_INVALID if key is invalid, or an error (<0) returned by redisxSendRequestAsync().

References redisxCheckRESP(), redisxDestroyRESP(), redisxReadReplyAsync(), redisxSendRequestAsync(), redisxSkipReplyAsync(), RESP_INT, x_error(), X_NAME_INVALID, X_NULL, X_SUCCESS, and xvprintf.

◆ redisxSetVerbose()

void redisxSetVerbose ( boolean  value)

Enable or disable verbose reporting of all Redis operations (and possibly some details of them). Reporting is done on the standard output (stdout). It may be useful when debugging programs that use the redisx interface. Verbose reporting is DISABLED by default.

valueTRUE to enable verbose reporting, or FALSE to disable.
See also

References xSetVerbose().

◆ redisxSkipReplyAsync()

int redisxSkipReplyAsync ( RedisClient cl)

Instructs Redis to skip sending a reply for the next command.


clPointer to the Redis client to use.
X_SUCCESS (0) on success or X_NULL if the client is NULL, or else X_NO_SERVICE if not connected to the Redis server on the requested channel, or if send() failed.

References TRUE, x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxStartBlockAsync()

int redisxStartBlockAsync ( RedisClient cl)

Starts an atomic Redis transaction block, by sending MULTI on the specified client connection. Redis transaction blocks behave just like scripts (in fact they are effectively improptu scripts themselves). As such the rules of Redis scripting apply, such as you cannot call LUA from within a transaction block (which is a real pity...)

Once you start a transaction block you may ignore all acknowledgedments such as OK and QUEUED responses that Redis sends back. These will be 'processed' in bulk by redisEndBlockAsync(), at the end of the transaction block.

clPointer to a Redis client.
X_SUCCESS (0) if successful, or X_NULL if the Redis client is NULL, or X_NO_SERVICE if not connected to the client server or if send() failed.
See also

References TRUE, x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxSubscribe()

int redisxSubscribe ( Redis redis,
const char *  pattern 

Subscribe to a specific Redis channel. The call will also start the subscription listener thread to processing incoming subscription messages. Subscribing only enabled the delivery of the messages to this client without any actions on these messages. In order to process the messages for your subscriptons, you will also want to call redisxAddSubscriber() to add your custom processor function(s).

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
patternThe Channel pattern to subscribe to, e.g. 'acc1', or 'acc*'...
X_SUCCESS if successfully subscribed to the Redis distribution channel. X_NO_SERVICE if there is no active connection to the Redis server. X_NULL if the channel argument is NULL
See also

References redisxLockConnected(), redisxSendRequestAsync(), redisxUnlockClient(), Redis::subscription, x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxUnlockClient()

int redisxUnlockClient ( RedisClient cl)

Relinquish exclusive write access to the specified Redis channel

clPointer to the Redis client instance
X_SUCCESS if the exclusive lock for the channel was successfully obtained X_FAILURE if pthread_mutex_lock() returned an error X_NULL if the client is NULL
See also

References x_error(), X_FAILURE, X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.

◆ redisxUnsubscribe()

int redisxUnsubscribe ( Redis redis,
const char *  pattern 

Unsubscribe from one or all Redis PUB/SUB channel(s). If there are no active subscriptions when Redis confirms the unsubscrive command, the subscription listener thread will also conclude automatically. Unsubscribing will stop delivery of mesasages for the affected channels but any associated processing callbacks remain registered, until redisxRemovesubscribers() is called to deactive them as appropriate.

redisPointer to a Redis instance.
patternThe channel pattern, or NULL to unsubscribe all channels and patterns.
X_SUCCESS if successfully subscribed to the Redis distribution channel. X_NO_SERVICE if there is no active connection to the Redis server.
See also

References redisxLockConnected(), redisxSendRequestAsync(), redisxUnlockClient(), Redis::subscription, x_error(), X_NULL, and X_SUCCESS.