Soil Carbon Working Group

This topical working group seeks to improve measuring, reporting,
modeling, and mapping of soil carbon burial rates and carbon stocks in
coastal wetlands.
Research Questions
What is the potential for pairing Bayesian statistical methods
with process-based modeling to map carbon stocks and sequestration
How much variation in carbon stocks and burial rates is
attributable to field and lab techniques, and how much to process
(Anticipated) Project Milestones
- Paper on modeling and forecasting soil carbon sequestration
- Papers on best practices for field, lab, and data management
- Open-source R package(s) of marsh equilibrium models
- Mapped products at the scale of the contiguous United States if
Methane Working Group

This topical working group seeks to improve predictions of methane
emissions from coastal wetlands. Specifically, we aim to compile all
methane flux data from coastal habitats (not mangroves) in the
contiguous United States to parameterize and validate a set of nested
process-based CH4 models.
Research Questions:
- How well can we predict methane emissions from coastal wetlands? In
other words, what are the main sources of error? What types of wetlands
are the most difficult to model (along spectrum of salinity,
disturbance/age, plant community etc.)
- What data streams are needed to improve our predictions?
- Can our process-based models predict interannual variability? If
not, why? How does this influence predictions of CH4 budgets in the
- What guidance can we give to the science and management communities
based on these efforts?