Source code for smax.smax_redis_client_old

import os
import logging
import socket
import datetime
from fnmatch import fnmatch

import psutil
import numpy as np
from redis import Redis, ConnectionError, TimeoutError
from redis.exceptions import NoScriptError

from .smax_client import SmaxClient, SmaxData, join, normalize_pair, _TYPE_MAP, _REVERSE_TYPE_MAP

[docs] class SmaxRedisClient(SmaxClient): def __init__(self, redis_ip="localhost", redis_port=6379, redis_db=0, program_name=None, hostname=None): """ Constructor for SmaxRedisClient, automatically establishes connection and sets the redis-py connection object to 'self._client'. This magic happens in the SmaxClient parent class that is inherited. Args: redis_ip (str): IP address of redis-server. redis_port (int): Port of redis-server. redis_db (int): Database index to connect to. program_name (str): Optional program name gets appended to hostname. hostname (str): Optional hostname, obtained automatically otherwise. """ # Logging convention for messages to have module names in them. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Attributes for package, not exposed to users. self._redis_ip = redis_ip self._redis_port = redis_port self._redis_db = redis_db self._getSHA = None self._setSHA = None self._multi_getSHA = None self._multi_setSHA = None self._get_structSHA = None self._list_zeroesSHA = None self._list_higher_thanSHA = None self._list_newer_thanSHA = None self._dsm_get_tableSHA = None self._purgeSHA = None self._purge_volatileSHA = None self._del_structSHA = None self._pubsub = None self._callback_pubsub = None self._pipeline = None self._threads = [] # Obtain _hostname automatically, unless '_hostname' argument is passed. self._hostname = socket.gethostname() if hostname is None else hostname program_name = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).name() self._hostname += ':' + program_name # Call parent constructor, which calls smax_connect_to() and sets the # returned client as self._client. super().__init__(redis_ip, redis_port, redis_db) # load the script SHAs from the server self._get_scripts()
[docs] def smax_connect_to(self, redis_ip, redis_port, redis_db): """ Uses the redis-py library to establish a connection to redis, then obtains and stores the LUA scripts in the object (ex self._getSHA). This function is called automatically by the SmaxClient parent class, so there shouldn't be a need to call this explicitly. Args: redis_ip (str): IP address of redis-server. redis_port (int): Port of redis-server. redis_db (int): Database index to connect to. Returns: Redis: A Redis client object configured from the given args. """ try: # Connect to redis-server, and store LUA scripts on the object. # StrictRedis and Redis are now identical, so let's be explicit redis_client = Redis(host=redis_ip, port=redis_port, db=redis_db, health_check_interval=30)"Connected to redis server {redis_ip}:{redis_port} db={redis_db}") return redis_client except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): self._logger.error("Connecting to redis and getting scripts failed") raise
def _get_scripts(self): """ Get the SHAs of the cached scripts using the Redis.hget methods """"Pulling script SHAs from server") self._getSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'HGetWithMeta') self._setSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'HSetWithMeta') self._multi_getSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'HMGetWithMeta') self._multi_setSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'HMSetWithMeta') self._get_structSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'GetStruct') self._purgeSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'Purge') self._purge_volatileSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'PurgeVolatile') self._list_newer_thanSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'ListNewerThan') self._list_newer_thanSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'ListOlderThan') self._list_higher_thanSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'ListHigherThan') self._list_zeroesSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'ListZeroes') self._dsm_get_tableSHA = self._client.hget('scripts', 'DSMGetTable')
[docs] def smax_disconnect(self): """ Python manages a connection pool automatically, if somehow that fails release the connection, this disconnect function will do it. """ if self._client.connection: self._client.connection.disconnect()"Disconnected redis server {self._redis_ip}:{self._redis_port} db={self._redis_db}")
@staticmethod def _parse_lua_pull_response(lua_data, smaxname): """ Private method to parse the response from calling the HGetWithMeta LUA script. Args: lua_data (list): value, vtype, dim, timestamp, origin, serial smaxname (str): Full name of the SMAX table and key Returns: SmaxData: Populated SmaxData NamedTuple object. """ # Extract the type out of the meta data, and map string to real type object. type_name = lua_data[1].decode("utf-8") if type_name in _TYPE_MAP: data_type = _TYPE_MAP[type_name] if type_name.startswith("int"): # Check if integer is a boolean try: unit = self.smax_pull_meta(smaxname, 'units') if unit.startswith("bool"): data_type = bool except: pass else: # Compatibility for any old deployments of smax-python that include bool if type_name == "bool": data_type = bool else: raise TypeError(f"I can't deal with data of type {type_name}") # Extract data, origin and sequence from meta data. data_date = float(lua_data[3]) origin = lua_data[4].decode("utf-8") sequence = int(lua_data[5]) # Extract dimension information from meta data. data_dim = tuple(int(s) for s in lua_data[2].decode("utf-8").split()) # If only one dimension convert to a single value (rather than list) if len(data_dim) == 1: data_dim = data_dim[0] # If there is only a single value, cast to the appropriate type and return. if data_dim == 1: if data_type == str: data = lua_data[0].decode("utf-8") else: data = data_type(lua_data[0]) return SmaxData(data, data_type, data_dim, data_date, origin, sequence, smaxname) # This is some kind of array. else: data = lua_data[0].decode("utf-8").split(" ") # If this is a list of strings, just clean up string and return. if data_type == str: # Remove the leading and trailing \' in each string in the list. data = [s.strip("\'") for s in data] return SmaxData(data, data_type, data_dim, data_date, origin, sequence, smaxname) else: # Use numpy for all other numerical types data = np.array(data, dtype=data_type) # If this is a multi-dimensional array, reshape with numpy. if type(data_dim) == tuple: # n-d array data = data.reshape(data_dim) return SmaxData(data, data_type, data_dim, data_date, origin, sequence, smaxname)
[docs] def smax_pull(self, table, key): """ Get data which was stored with the smax macro HSetWithMeta along with the associated metadata. The return value will an SmaxData object containing the data, typeName, dataDimension(s), dataDate, source of the data, and a sequence number. If you pulled a struct, you will get a nested dictionary back, with each leaf being an SmaxData object. Args: table (str): SMAX table name key (str): SMAX key name Returns: SmaxData: Populated SmaxData NamedTuple object. dict: If a struct is pulled, this returns a nested dictionary. """ try: lua_data = self._client.evalsha(self._getSHA, '1', table, key) except NoScriptError: self._get_scripts() lua_data = self._client.evalsha(self._getSHA, '1', table, key) except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): self._logger.error(f"Reading {table}:{key} from Redis {self._client} failed") raise self._logger.debug(f"Received response: {lua_data}") if lua_data is not None:"Successfully pulled {table}:{key}") else: self._logger.warning(f"Failed to pull valid data for {table}:{key} from {self._client}") # Check that we got a valid response if lua_data[0] is None: self._logger.error(f"Could not find {table}:{key} in Redis") raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find {table}:{key} in Redis") # Extract the type out of the meta data, and map string to real type object. type_name = lua_data[1].decode("utf-8") self._logger.debug(f"Type: {type_name}") # If the lua response says its a struct we have to now use another LUA # script to go back to redis and collect the struct. if type_name == "struct": try: lua_struct = self._client.evalsha(self._get_structSHA, '1', f"{table}:{key}")"Successfully pulled struct {table}:{key}") except NoScriptError: self._get_scripts() lua_struct = self._client.evalsha(self._get_structSHA, '1', f"{table}:{key}")"Successfully pulled struct {table}:{key}") except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): self._logger.error(f"Reading {table}:{key} from Redis failed") raise # The struct will be parsed into a nested python dictionary. tree = {} for struct_name_index, struct_name in enumerate(lua_struct[0]): t = tree names = struct_name.decode("utf-8").replace(f"{table}:", "", 1).split(':') for table_name_index, table_name in enumerate(names): # Grow a new hierarchical level with a blank dictionary. t = t.setdefault(table_name, {}) # If this is the last name in the path, add actual data. if table_name_index == len(names) - 1: # Create offset indices for more readable code. offset = struct_name_index + struct_name_index + 1 offset2 = struct_name_index + struct_name_index + 2 # Process leaf node like it is a normal smax_pull. for leaf_index, leaf in enumerate(lua_struct[offset]): # If the leaf says its a struct, ignore it. lua_type = lua_struct[offset2][1][leaf_index] if lua_type.decode("utf-8") == "struct": continue # Extract data and metadata to pass into parser. lua_data = lua_struct[offset2][0][leaf_index] lua_dim = lua_struct[offset2][2][leaf_index] lua_date = lua_struct[offset2][3][leaf_index] lua_origin = lua_struct[offset2][4][leaf_index] lua_sequence = lua_struct[offset2][5][leaf_index] # Parser will return an SmaxData object. self._logger.debug(f"struct_name: {struct_name.decode('utf-8')}") smaxname = struct_name.decode("utf-8") + ":" + leaf.decode("utf-8") smax_data_object = self._parse_lua_pull_response( [lua_data, lua_type, lua_dim, lua_date, lua_origin, lua_sequence], smaxname) # Add SmaxData object into the nested dictionary. t.setdefault(lua_struct[offset][leaf_index].decode("utf-8"), smax_data_object) return tree return self._parse_lua_pull_response(lua_data, f"{table}:{key}")
@staticmethod def _to_smax_format(value): """ Private function that converts a given data value to the string format that SMAX supports. Args: value: Any supported data type, including (nested) dicts. Returns: tuple: tuple of (data_string, type_name, dim_string) """ # Derive the type according to Python. python_type = type(value) # Single value of a supported type, cast to string and send to redis. if python_type in _REVERSE_TYPE_MAP: type_name = _REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[python_type] return str(value), type_name, 1 # If this is an SmaxData object, just pass along the data attribute. if python_type == SmaxData: value = # Copy the data into a variable that we will manipulate for smax. converted_data = value if python_type == bool: python_type = int type_name = 'integer' converted_data = int(value) # If type is list or tuple, convert to numpy array for further manipulation. if python_type == list or python_type == tuple: # Convert to numpy array, dtype="O" preserves the original types. converted_data = np.array(value, dtype="O") # Converted boolean arrays to int if converted_data.dtype is bool or converted_data.dtype is np.bool_: converted_data = np.array(value, dtype="") python_type = np.ndarray # Now if its a numpy array, flatten, convert to a string, and return. if python_type == np.ndarray or python_type == np.array: # If the shape is a single dimension, set 'size' equal to that value. data_shape = converted_data.shape if len(data_shape) == 1: size = data_shape[0] else: # Convert shape tuple to a space delimited list for smax. size = " ".join(str(i) for i in data_shape) # Flatten and make a space delimited string of dimensions. converted_data = converted_data.flatten() # Check this 1D representation of the data for type uniformity. if not all(isinstance(x, type(converted_data[0])) for x in converted_data): raise TypeError("All values in list are not the same type.") type_name = _REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[type(converted_data[0])] # Create a string representation of the data in the array. converted_data = ' '.join(str(x) for x in converted_data) return converted_data, type_name, size else: raise TypeError(f"Unable to convert {python_type} for SMAX") def _recurse_nested_dict(self, dictionary): """ Private function to recursively traverse a nested dictionary, finding the leaf nodes that have actual data values. Each real data value is yielded back as it recurses. Args: dictionary (dict): Dict containing keys that exist in SMAX. Yields: (key, value) for every leaf node in the nested dictionary. """ for key, value in dictionary.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): # If value is dict then iterate over all its values for pair in self._recurse_nested_dict(value): yield (f"{key}:{pair[0]}", *pair[1:]) else: yield key, value def _get_struct_fields(self, leaves): """ Private function to generate the set of all SMA-X fields required to describe the tree structure of a nested dictionary. Args: leaves (list): List of leaf nodes from _recurse_nested_dict() Returns: list of (key, field, value, type) for each field at each level of the SMA-X nested structure. type is either "value" for a leaf node, or "struct" for an intermediate node. """ outpairs = [] for l in leaves: if ":" in l[0]: tiers = l[0].split(":") print(tiers) for t, tier in enumerate(tiers[:-1]): superstruct = ":".join(tiers[0:t]) pair = (superstruct, tiers[t], ":".join(tiers[0:t+1]), "struct") if pair not in outpairs: outpairs.append(pair) tablekey = l[0].rsplit(":", 1) if len(tablekey) == 1: table = "" key = tablekey[0] else: table = tablekey[0] key = tablekey[1] outpairs.append((table, key, l[1], "value")) return outpairs def _get_struct_tables(self, table, key, fields): """ Private function to generate a dictionary of tables and arguments to HMSET_WITH_META calls from fields generated by _get_struct_fields() for a nested SMA-X struct. Args: table (str) : The top level hash table name for the nested struct. key (str) : The top level key for the nested struct. fields (list) : List of nested fields from _get_struct_fields() Returns: list of (key, field, value, type) for each field at each level of the SMA-X nested structure. type is either "value" for a leaf node, or "struct" for an intermediate node. """ tables = {} for field in fields: if field[3] == "struct": converted_data, type_name, dim = (":".join((table, key, field[2])), field[3], 1) else: converted_data, type_name, dim = self._to_smax_format(field[2]) if field[0] != "": tab = f"{key}:{field[0]}" else: tab = key if tab not in tables: tables[tab] = [] tables[tab].extend([field[1], converted_data, type_name, dim]) return tables
[docs] def smax_share(self, table, key, value): """ Send data to redis using the smax macro HSetWithMeta to include metadata. The metadata is typeName, dataDimension(s), dataDate, source of the data, and a sequence number. The first two are determined from the data and the source from this computer's name plus the program name if given when this class is instantiated. Date and sequence number are added by the redis macro. Args: table (str): SMAX table name key (str): SMAX key name value: data to store, takes supported types, including (nested) dicts. Returns: return value from redis-py's evalsha() function. """ # If this is not a dict, then convert data to smax format and send. if not isinstance(value, dict): converted_data, type_name, size = self._to_smax_format(value) return self._evalsha_set(table, key, converted_data, type_name, size) else: # Recursively traverse the (nested) dictionary to generate a set # of values to update atomically. The recurse_nested_dict function # yields key/value pairs as it finds the leaf nodes of the nested # dict. leaves = self._recurse_nested_dict(value) fields = self._get_struct_fields(leaves) tables = self._get_struct_tables(table, key, fields) self._logger.debug(f"Table from smax_share: {tables}") return self._pipeline_evalsha_set(table, key, tables)
def _evalsha_set(self, table, key, data_string, type_name, size): """ Private function that calls evalsha() using an SMAX LUA script. Args: table (str): SMAX table name. key (str): SMAX key name. data_string (str): Data converted to proper SMAX string format. type_name (str): String representation of type. size: (str): Representation of the dimensions of the data. If one dimension, than a single integer.Otherwise will be a string of space delimited dimension values. Returns: return value from redis-py's evalsha() function. """ try: result = self._client.evalsha(self._setSHA, '1', table, self._hostname, key, data_string, type_name, size)"Successfully shared to {table}:{key}") return result except NoScriptError: self._get_scripts() result = self._client.evalsha(self._setSHA, '1', table, self._hostname, key, data_string, type_name, size)"Successfully shared to {table}:{key}") return result except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call the _setSHA LUA script.") raise def _pipeline_evalsha_set(self, table, key, commands): """ In order to execute multiple LUA scripts atomically, it has to use the pipeline module in redis-py. This function takes a list of commands, and issues them as a "pipeline", which uses a MULTI/EXEC block under the covers. The HMSetWithMeta LUA script allows you to update multiple values for a table, although a separate call for each new table is needed. Args: table (str): SMAX table name key (str): SMAX key name commands (dict): Keys for each table to update, and list of commands to pass to HMSetWithMeta LUA script. Returns: return value from redis-py's pipeline.execute() function. """ # Append the optional 'T' value to the end of the last entry in the command dict. # # Dict keys are (as of Py 3.7) sorted by the order they are added to the dict, # so this command should be the last one accessed in the for loop below. commands[list(commands.keys())[-1]].append('T') self._logger.debug(commands) try: if self._pipeline is None: self._pipeline = self._client.pipeline() for k in commands.keys(): if len(k.split(":")) <= 1: t = table ke = k else: t = ":".join((table, *k.split(":")[:-1])) ke = k.split(":")[-1] self._logger.debug(f"munged table name {t}\n munged key name {ke}") try: self._logger.debug(f"evalsha arguments{t}, {ke}, {commands[k]}") self._pipeline.evalsha(self._multi_setSHA, '1', f"{t}:{ke}", self._hostname, *commands[k]) except NoScriptError: self._get_scripts() self._pipeline.evalsha(self._multi_setSHA, '1', f"{t}:{ke}", self._hostname, *commands[k]) result = self._pipeline.execute()"Successfully executed pipeline share to {table}:{key}:{list(commands.keys())}") return result except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): self._logger.error("Unable to call HMSetWithMeta LUA script.") raise
[docs] def smax_lazy_pull(self, table, key, value): raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
[docs] def smax_lazy_end(self, table, key): raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
[docs] def smax_subscribe(self, pattern, callback=None): """ Subscribe to a redis field or group of fields. You can type the full name of the field you'd like to subscribe too, or use a wildcard "*" character as a suffix to specify a pattern. Use a callback for asynchronous processing of notifications, or use one of the smax_wait_on functions. Args: pattern (str): Either full name of smax field, or use a wildcard '*' at the end of the pattern to be notified for anything underneath. callback (func): Function that takes a single argument (Default=None). The message in your callback will be an SmaData object, or a nested dictionary for a struct. """ def parent_callback(message): msg_pattern = message["pattern"] if msg_pattern is not None: path = message["pattern"].decode("utf-8")[:-1] else: path = message["channel"].decode("utf-8") table = path[5:path.rfind(":")] key = path[path.rfind(":") + 1:] self._logger.debug(f"Callback notification received:{message}") data = self.smax_pull(table, key) callback(data) if callback is not None and self._callback_pubsub is None: self._callback_pubsub = self._client.pubsub() self._logger.debug("Created redis pubsub object for callbacks") elif callback is None and self._pubsub is None: self._pubsub = self._client.pubsub() self._logger.debug("Created redis pubsub object") if pattern.endswith("*"): if callback is None: self._pubsub.psubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}")"Subscribed to {pattern}") else: self._callback_pubsub.psubscribe(**{f"smax:{pattern}": parent_callback}) self._callback_pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=None, daemon=True)"Subscribed to {pattern} with a callback") else: if callback is None: self._pubsub.subscribe(f"smax:{pattern}")"Subscribed to {pattern}") else: self._callback_pubsub.subscribe(**{f"smax:{pattern}": parent_callback})"Subscribed to {pattern} with a callback") self._callback_pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=None, daemon=True)
[docs] def smax_unsubscribe(self, pattern=None): """ Unsubscribe from all subscribed channels, or pass a pattern argument to unsubscribe from specific channels. Args: pattern (str): Either full name of smax field, or use a wildcard '*' at the end of the pattern to be notified for anything underneath. """ if self._pubsub is not None: if pattern is None: self._pubsub.punsubscribe() self._pubsub.unsubscribe()"Unsubscribed from all tables") elif pattern.endswith("*"): self._pubsub.punsubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}")"Unsubscribed from {pattern}") else: self._pubsub.unsubscribe(f"smax:{pattern}")"Unsubscribed from {pattern}")
def _redis_listen(self, pattern=None, timeout=None, notification_only=False): """ Private function to help implement the "wait" functions in this API. In the redis-py library, the listen() function is a blocking call, so it gets used if there is no timeout specified. When there is a timeout, the get_message() function is used, because listen() doesn't take a timeout value. The get_message() function doesn't block by default, but when a timeout is specified it blocks until the timeout is reached. This function will raise a redis Timeout exception when the timeout is reached. Args: pattern (str): SMAX table/key pattern to listen on. timeout (float): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception. notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis. Returns: Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data. """ # Throw away any blank messages or of type 'subscribe' found_real_message = False message = None channel = None while not found_real_message: if timeout is None: for message in self._pubsub.listen(): break else: message = self._pubsub.get_message(timeout=timeout) self._logger.debug(f"Redis message received:{message}") if message is None: raise TimeoutError("Timed out waiting for redis message.") elif message["type"] == "message" or message["type"] == "pmessage": channel = message["channel"].decode("utf-8") if channel.startswith("smax:"): if pattern is None: found_real_message = True elif fnmatch(channel[5:], pattern): found_real_message = True if notification_only: # Strip the "smax:" prefix off of the channel. channel = message["channel"].decode("utf-8") prefix = "smax:" if channel.startswith(prefix): message["channel"] = channel[len(prefix):] # Decode the other fields. message["data"] = message["data"].decode("utf-8") return message else: if pattern is None: # Pull the exact table that sent the notification. table = channel[5:channel.rfind(":")] key = channel.split(":")[-1] else: # Pull the parent struct or "pattern" that was subscribed to. table = pattern[:pattern.rfind(":")] key = pattern.split(":")[-1].strip('*') return self.smax_pull(table, key)
[docs] def smax_wait_on_subscribed(self, pattern, timeout=None, notification_only=False): """ If you use smax_subscribe without a callback, you can use this function to specify with channel to listen to, and block until a message is received. Args: pattern (str): SMAX table/key pattern to listen on. timeout (int): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception. notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis. Returns: Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data. """ return self._redis_listen(pattern=pattern, timeout=timeout, notification_only=notification_only)
[docs] def smax_wait_on_any_subscribed(self, timeout=None, notification_only=False): """ If you use smax_subscribe without a callback, you can use this function to block until a message is received from any channel you are subscribed to. Args: timeout (float): Value in seconds to wait before raising timeout exception. notification_only (bool): If True, only returns the notification from redis. Returns: Either a (list) notification, or the actual pulled data. """ return self._redis_listen(timeout=timeout, notification_only=notification_only)
[docs] def smax_purge(self, table, key=None): """Purges a table or key from Redis. Use with ultimate caution. Args: table (str): SMA-X table to purge. Can include wild cards to purge by pattern matching. key (str, optional): Specific SMA-X key in table to purge. Defaults to None. Returns: int: number of SMA-X keys purged from Redis """ if table is None: pattern = "*" else: pattern = table if key is not None: pattern = f"{pattern}:{key}" self._logger.warning(f"Purging all keys matching {pattern}") return self._client.evalsha(self._purgeSHA, '0', pattern)
[docs] def smax_purge_volatile(self): """Purges all volatile tables and keys from Redis. Use with ultimate caution. """ self._logger.warning(f"Purging all volatile keys") self._client.evalsha(self._purge_volatileSHA, '0')
[docs] def smax_dsm_get_table(self, target, key, host=None): """Get the SMA-X name that maps to a DSM target, key, and (optionally) host. Args: target (str): DSM target or caller key (str): DSM key host (str, optional): DSM host (caller). If not set, defaults to target. Returns: str : SMA-X table where the key can be found. """ if host is None: host = target return self._client.evalsha(self._dsm_get_tableSHA, host, target, key)
[docs] def smax_list_newer_than(self, dt): """List all SMA-X keys newer than the datetime object. Args: dt (datetime.datetime): cutoff time. Returns: list[(str, smax.SmaxData)]: list of pairs of SMA-X keys and values newer than dt """ # If tzinfo is not given in the datetime object, assume it is UTC if dt.tzinfo is None: dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) timestamp = dt.timestamp() keypairs = self._client.evalsha(self._list_newer_thanSHA, timestamp) result = [] for kp in keypairs: smax_value = self.smax_pull(kp[0]) result.append((kp[0], smax_value)) return result
[docs] def smax_list_older_than(self, dt): """List all SMA-X keys older than the datetime object. Args: dt (datetime.datetime): cutoff time. Returns: list[(str, smax.SmaxData)]: list of pairs of SMA-X keys and values older than dt """ # If tzinfo is not given in the datetime object, assume it is UTC if dt.tzinfo is None: dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) timestamp = dt.timestamp() keypairs = self._client.evalsha(self._list_older_thanSHA, timestamp) result = [] for kp in keypairs: smax_value = self.smax_pull(kp[0]) result.append((kp[0], smax_value)) return result
[docs] def smax_list_higher_than(self, table, value): """List all SMA-X fields in table with values higher than the value. Args: table (str): table, struct or meta name value (int or float): cutoff value. Returns: list[(str, smax.SmaxData)]: list of pairs of SMA-X fields and values higher than value """ fields = self._client.evalsha(self._list_higher_thanSHA, table, value) result = [] for f in fields: smax_value = self.smax_pull(table, f) result.append((f, smax_value)) return result
[docs] def smax_list_zeroes(self, key): """List all fields in key equal to zero. Args: key (str): Redis key to test. Returns: list(str): list of all fields equal to zero.""" return self._client.evalsha(self._list_zeroesSHA, key)
[docs] def smax_set_description(self, table, description): """ Creates a <description> metadata field for specified table. Args: table (str): Full SMAX table name (with key included). description (str): String for the description of this smax field. """ return self.smax_push_meta("description", table, description)
[docs] def smax_get_description(self, table): return self.smax_pull_meta(table, "description")
[docs] def smax_set_units(self, table, unit): return self.smax_push_meta("units", table, unit)
[docs] def smax_get_units(self, table): return self.smax_pull_meta(table, "units")
[docs] def smax_set_coordinate_system(self, table, coordinate_system): raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
[docs] def smax_get_coordinate_system(self, table): raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
[docs] def smax_create_coordinate_system(self, n_axis): raise NotImplementedError("Available in C API, not in python")
[docs] def smax_push_meta(self, meta, table, value): """ Sets additional metadata for a given table. Args: meta (str): Key for the metadata field. table (str): Name of the table to set metadata for. value (str or int): Metadata value to store in redis, note this needs to be a string int. Returns: Result of redis-py hset function. """ try: result = self._client.hset(f"<{meta}>", table, str(value))"Successfully shared metadata {value} to {table}") return result except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call hset.") raise
[docs] def smax_pull_meta(self, table, meta): """ Pulls specified metadata field from a given table. Args: table (str): Name of the table to pull metadata from. meta (str): Metadata field name to pull. Returns: Result of redis-py hget function. """ try: result = self._client.hget(f"<{meta}>", table).decode("utf-8")"Successfully pulled metadata from {table}") if type(result) == bytes: return result.decode("utf-8") else: return result except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): self._logger.error("Redis seems down, unable to call hget.") raise