
Record SMA-X history in PostgreSQL / TimescaleDB.

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smax-postgres is a daemon application, which can collect data from an SMA-X realtime database and insert these into a PostgreSQL database to create a time-series historical record for all or selected SMA-X variables. The program is highly customizable and supports both regular updates for changing variables as well as regular snapshots of all selected SMA-X variables.

The smax-postgres applications was created, and is maintained, by Attila Kovács at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, and it is available through the Smithsonian/redisx repository on GitHub.

This site contains various online resources that support the library:




  • Smithsonian/smax-clib – structured data exchange framework
  • Smithsonian/redisx – A C/C++ Redis client library
  • Smithsonian/xchange – structured data exchange framework
  • Smithsonian/smax-server – SMA-X server configuration kit
  • PostgreSQL development files ( and lipq-fe.h)
  • Popt (command-line options parsing) library development files ( and popt.h)
  • (optional) systemd (runtime management) development files ( and sd-daemon.h)