Smithsonian GitHub Organization

Smithsonian Institution has an Enterprise Cloud plan with a single GitHub Organization at


As such, we have access to all of the features of GitHub. We can make unlimited private and internal repositories, and we can fine-tune repository access controls.

In the future, Smithsonian plans to add multiple Organizations under the Enterprise – for example, breaking CfA out into its own Org – but as of now, we’re all using the Smithsonian Organization.


To join the Smithsonian GitHub Organization, please:

  1. Make a GitHub account if you don’t already have one.

  2. Fill out this Google Form:

We will aggregate the form responses and send them on to the SI OCIO GitHub admins to get members added to the Org.


GitHub allows members of Organizations to form Teams. We have some Teams already in place, and you can always make your own:

Teams can be nested under other Teams. People can be members of a sub-team without being members of the parent team. Teams can be public (to members of the Org) or secret.


External collaborators will have to be added to each repository manually, as they cannot join the Smithsonian Org.