SuperNOVAS v1.2
The NOVAS C library, made better
No Matches
Deprecated List
Rotational angular velocity of Earth in radians/sec from IERS Conventions (2003). Use NOVAS_EARTH_ANGVEL instead
Global app_planet (double jd_tt, const object *ss_body, enum novas_accuracy accuracy, double *ra, double *dec, double *dis)
Use place_cirs() is now preferred, especially for high accuracy calculations.
Global app_star (double jd_tt, const cat_entry *star, enum novas_accuracy accuracy, double *ra, double *dec)
Use place_cirs() is now preferred, especially for high accuracy calculations.
Global AU
Astronomical unit in meters. Use NOVAS_AU instead.
Global AU_KM
Astronomical Unit in kilometers. Use NOVAS AU_KM instead.
Global AU_SEC
Light-time for one astronomical unit (AU) in seconds, from DE-405. Use NOVAS_AU_SEC instead.
Global BARYC
Old definition of the Barycenter origin. NOVAS_BARYCENTER is preferred.
Global C
Speed of light in meters/second is a defining physical constant. Use NOVAS_C instead.
Global C_AUDAY
Speed of light in AU/day. Use NOVAS_AUDAY instead.
Global cel2ter (double jd_ut1_high, double jd_ut1_low, double ut1_to_tt, enum novas_earth_rotation_measure erot, enum novas_accuracy accuracy, enum novas_equatorial_class class, double xp, double yp, const double *in, double *out)
This function can be confusing to use due to the input coordinate system being specified by a combination of two options. Use itrs_to_cirs() or itrs_to_tod() instead. You can then follow these with other conversions to GCRS (or whatever else) as appropriate.
Global equ2hor (double jd_ut1, double ut1_to_tt, enum novas_accuracy accuracy, double xp, double yp, const on_surface *location, double ra, double dec, enum novas_refraction_model ref_option, double *zd, double *az, double *rar, double *decr)
The name of this function does not reveal what type of equatorial coordinates it requires. To make it less ambiguous, you should use tod_to_itrs() followed by itrs_to_hor() instead, possibly following it with refract_astro() if you also want to apply optical refraction.
Global ERAD
Radius of Earth in kilometers from IERS Conventions (2003). Use NOVAS_EARTH_RADIUS instead
Global F
Earth ellipsoid flattening from IERS Conventions (2003). Value is 1 / 298.25642. Use NOVAS_EARTH_FLATTENING instead.
Global FN0
Definition was already ommitted in NOVAS C 3.1.
Global FN1
Definition was already ommitted in NOVAS C 3.1.
Global GE
Geocentric gravitational constant in meters^3 / second^2, from DE-405. Use NOVAS_G_EARTH instead.
Global GS
Heliocentric gravitational constant in meters^3 / second^2, from DE-405. Use NOVAS_G_SUN instead.
Old definition of the Center of Sun as the origin. NOVAS_HELIOCENTER is preferred.
File novascon.c
Use your own version for the selection of the constant you need, expressed in whatever units your application desires. We should not force you to adopt the internally used convention of NOVAS, not to mention the high chance of namespace conflicts with the super-simplistic naming scheme here. You are better off without this.
File novascon.h
Use your own version for the selection of the constant you need, expressed in whatever units your application desires. We should not force you to adopt the internally used convention of NOVAS, not to mention the high chance of namespace conflicts with the super-simplistic naming scheme here. You are better off without this.
Global readeph (int mp, const char *name, double jd_tdb, int *error)
This old ephemeris reader is prone to memory leaks, and lacks some useful functionality. Users are strongly encouraged to use the new novas_ephem_provider instead, which can provide dynamically configured implementations at runtime.
Global RMASS [12]
Reciprocal masses of solar system bodies, from DE-405 (Sun mass / body mass). MASS[0] = Earth/Moon barycenter, MASS[1] = Mercury, ..., MASS[9] = Pluto, MASS[10] = Sun, MASS[11] = Moon. Use NOVAS_RMASS_INIT instead.
Global T0
TDB Julian date of epoch J2000.0. Use NOVAS_JD_J2000 instead.
Global tdb2tt (double jd_tdb, double *jd_tt, double *secdiff)
Use the less computationally intensive an more accurate tt2tdb() routine instead.
Global ter2cel (double jd_ut1_high, double jd_ut1_low, double ut1_to_tt, enum novas_earth_rotation_measure erot, enum novas_accuracy accuracy, enum novas_equatorial_class class, double xp, double yp, const double *in, double *out)
This function can be confusing to use due to the output coordinate system being specified by a combination of two options. Use itrs_to_cirs() or itrs_to_tod() instead. You can then follow these with other conversions to GCRS (or whatever else) as appropriate.
Global topo_planet (double jd_tt, const object *ss_body, double ut1_to_tt, const on_surface *position, enum novas_accuracy accuracy, double *ra, double *dec, double *dis)
Using place() with system NOVAS_CIRS is now preferred for topocentric calculations, especially when high precision is required. However, you will have to follow the IAU 2000 method consistently to produce equivalent calculations throughout.
Global topo_star (double jd_tt, double ut1_to_tt, const cat_entry *star, const on_surface *position, enum novas_accuracy accuracy, double *ra, double *dec)
Using place() with system NOVAS_CIRS is now preferred for topocentric calculations, especially when high precision is required. However, you will have to follow the IAU 2000 method consistently to produce equivalent calculations throughout.